🖤🔍:Eddie seeing Liza's scars.

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   When Liza had decided to let Eddie Munson find a home in her heart, she didn't realize that there would be things that she would eventually have to explain to him and that was her first mistake

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   When Liza had decided to let Eddie Munson find a home in her heart, she didn't realize that there would be things that she would eventually have to explain to him and that was her first mistake. She had vowed to keep him in the dark for as long as possible when it came to the Upside Down, Liza didn't think that Eddie needed to know what had happened the past three years of her life so soon. So she brushed off anything that alluded to the Upside Down by telling Eddie that it wasn't important. It was extremely hard to keep everything a secret given how much she was around him.

  Eddie had witnessed too many panic attacks to count, learning quickly how to help calm her down and even how to spot an on coming episode. He had woken up to her nightmares and held her till she fell back asleep. Each time asking her to tell him what was the cause of these things and each time being met with resistance or the promise of being told at a later date that Eddie wasn't sure was ever going to come.

   At first, Eddie had wondered if it was because of Steve. The breakup had clearly done some damage to the girl and it had the metalhead suspicious of the relationship. Maybe all wasn't well in the Paradise the rest of the town saw in the couple, he didn't want to assume the worst but it was hard not to when he saw just how extreme Dustin, Mike and Lucas had become when it had happened. That all was put to rest when he had straight out asked Liza and she had told him that the nightmares and panic attacks predated the relationship, leaving Eddie wondering what it was.

  Then he has asked Robin if she knew, the girl was not always the best at keeping secrets and he had assumed that she would be willing to tell him what was the obvious trauma that Liza had been through. Robin however, froze for a few moments before looking at Eddie with haunted eyes to tell him that he shouldn't push the issue and to just be there for Liza. Eddie had stared at the girl, wondering if maybe Robin had also been there for whatever cause the trauma but that couldn't of been right. Liza had told Eddie that she and Robin had become friends over the summer.

  Liza's second mistake came in the form of talking to Dustin about Eleven while Eddie was in her room, the were huddled together beside the fridge as they talked in whispers. She had thought they were being quiet, but that didn't really matter when Eddie came into the kitchen to see what was taking Liza so long.

  Eddie had over heard only half of the sentence Liza had said. Something about El and how she was adjusting to having lost her powers and Hopper. Eddie had asked what she meant, not in a 'I want to know the secret' kind of way but more of a 'wanting to be able to contribute to the conversation.'

  The way the Henderson siblings stumbled over a lie told him that this wasn't something he was allowed to know. On one hand, he wanted to pry. To call them out on their bullshit lie they had come up with, Liza was a horrible liar when she tried to lie to Eddie. But Robins words of not pushing came to mind and he just shrugged and asked Liza if she would be coming back to the room soon.

  "Yeah, Rockstar. I'll be in soon."


  The final mistake was when Liza had gotten out of the shower one night. She had thrown on a tank top and shorts, common for her when she knew she would be alone in her bed. She walked into her room, drying her hair with a towel as she hummed to herself. She walked over to her dresser where her radio sat and turned it on, failing to notice the boy on her bed.

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