🖤🔎: sick day

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"Henderson residence" Liza said in a monotone voice as she picked up the phone

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"Henderson residence" Liza said in a monotone voice as she picked up the phone.

"Jeez, Doll. Don't sound so happy to hear me." Eddie chuckled on the other side, it died off into a cough that had Liza furrowing her brows.

"Are you okay?" Liza asked, twirling the phone cord around her fingers nervously.

"No, not really. I'm sick as a fucking dog." Eddie grumbled, coughing again. "Which means I am definitely not going to school today."

"I wouldn't let you with how you sound right now." Liza sighed. "Give me like twenty and I'll be there to make you soup or something."

"No! Cause then you get sick and who's going to keep the boys in check if both of us are down for the count?" Eddie huffed.

He knew the Hellfire boys were more than capable of managing by themselves but he needed the excuse. He didn't want Liza missing class just to take care of him. He still wasn't used to being cared for by someone that wasn't Wayne and when he was sick it felt like a whole other ball game. He would rather the girl go to school and he would manage by himself.

"Are you sure, Rockstar? I don't mind missing a few classes." Liza pressed.

"Completely. I actually already called Gareth to come pick you up." No sooner did the words leave Eddie's mouth, Liza heard a honk outside.

"Well, then I better go. My chariot awaits." Liza sighed dramatically, earning her a laugh that sounded more like a coughing fit.

After telling Eddie she would call him later, Liza ran out of the house. Gareth had only ever driven Liza a few times in the four months that they had been friends and he already knew her aversion to doors. The blonde slid through the window with ease before turning to the boy with a smile.

"Good morning, Liz." Gareth chuckled as he pulled out of her driveway.

"Good morning, Gare." Liza responded before spinning around to look at the girl in the backseat. "And good morning to you, Kelly!"

Liza had met Gareth's little sister Kelly only a handful of times. The girl was the same age as Erica, the girls were in the same classes as far as Liza was aware. She liked Kelly, the girl was a bit shy at first but once she got used to Liza she opened up and showed just how sassy and sweet she really was. Liza really loved watching as the girl seemed to have not only Gareth but Eddie as well wrapped around her finger.

"Hey, Liz!" Kelly beamed. The girl then kicked the back of her brother's seat. "C'mon! I wanna get to school on time!"

"Could we maybe make a pit stop at Gina's?" Liza asked, more towards Kelly than Gareth. "I need coffee and I'll buy you whatever you want."

"Gareth! Please can we go to Gina's?" Kelly pouted at her brother through the rearview mirror.

"Eddie so fucking owes me for today." Gareth huffed as he turned down the street towards the coffee shop.

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