🖤 : Steve gets the love he deserves

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   Getting invited to a graduation party sounded great at the time, Tina always threw great parties and it was the last time he would probably see most of these people before they moved on to college

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   Getting invited to a graduation party sounded great at the time, Tina always threw great parties and it was the last time he would probably see most of these people before they moved on to college. The girl had handed him a flyer and told him that she looked forward to seeing him and Liza there. He was shocked that Tina even knew who Liza was but he assumed people still kept up with who he was dating, being the former king of Hawkins high means that people still wanted to know who you were with.

  When Steve had told Liza about it, the blonde was reluctant at first. In fact she out right refused. The first and only party she had ever gone to was the Halloween party and the beginning of the year and she wasn't quite sure she liked it, not to mention it was a graduation party and she hadn't graduated. Not that she expected to when all her grades - save for English - were in the proverbial toilet.

   Steve gave her puppy dog eyes, a rare thing he tried when it came to her and begged her to go. Telling her that she could drag him to whatever she wanted to if she went and she finally agreed. It also helped that Nancy and Johnathan came over to her locker, saying that they were invited and going aswell. Liza looked between her friends and boyfriend and rolled her eyes.

   Now Steve was having second thoughts about tonight, sitting on the bed as he watched Liza get dressed in a pair of leather pants, ripped band t-shirt and a pair of heeled boots. He was starting to get flashbacks from the Halloween party, of. This would be the first time, since getting together with Liza, that he would see her drunk and that was bringing up some bad memories of the first time he saw Nancy drunk and being told that he was bullshit.

   It would be a similar situation to the last time aswell and he was wondering if maybe he should stop it before it could happen. To save himself from another ruined party but this time he wouldn't get saved by his best friend and taken to the safe haven of her bedroom. This time if it went south, he would have to go home. Alone.

  "Y'know, why don't we just stay here and watch a movie or we could go get supper!" Steve offered, leaning back on to his hands as Liza applied lipstick in the mirror. The blonde turned to look at him with a raised brow, her head tilted as she watched him. He smiled at her, trying to seem as calm as possible.

  "You practically begged me to go to this party and now that we are about to leave you don't want to go anymore?" Liza asked, moving so she was now standing between Steve's legs. He sat up, sliding his hands up her thighs to land on her hips. He could feel her shiver and he tightened his hold on her waist.

  "Yeah, I'm realizing I don't want to share you tonight. Especially when you look like this." Steve looked over Lizas body. The blonde placed her hands on his shoulders and sat on his lap, a coy smile on her face. Steve thought that meant she was okay with it, that he didnt have to worry anymore.

  "Awe, cute. But we promised Nancy and Johnathan that we would go and they will be hear any minute now so suck it up." Liza booped his nose and stood back up, moving towards her door. She was out of her room with no more words, leaving Steve to groan and get up to follow her.

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