🖤 : Wrong Accusations and Coming Clean

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There is something exciting about sneaking around in your own home. Secret touches and kisses, mouthed ‘I love you’s when heads are turned. Trying to keep up the charade that nothing has changed, that everything is the same as it's always been. Liza, Steve and Eddie had made it into a game, taking bets on which of their two housemates would notice first; Dustin or Robin. The best part was that the lines had already been blurry when it came to Liza and Eddie, their past and flirtatious personalities meant it was harder to spot unless you were really looking. Steve and Eddie, however, were having the time of their lives trying to keep up the appearance that Steve only tolerated the Metalhead. Especially when he would ruffle Steve's hair or pucker his lips at the boy.

Liza had put her money on Dustin noticing first. The boy was extremely perceptive and the slightest change in behaviour or atmosphere had alarm bells ringing in his mind. He had been the first one to notice not only Steve's feelings for Liza but Eddie's as well, so the blonde expected him to pick up on the changed dynamic between the three. She wouldn't be surprised if the boy said something within a day.

Both Steve and Eddie had chosen Robin, saying that she would notice by accident. Steve pointed out that the girl noticed the little things when it came to Liza and despite her inability to keep them, Robin was a bloodhound for secrets. Eddie agreed with every part his boyfriend made, adding that since Liza and Robin were soulmates, the girl would see that something was up.

The boys thought that they had won when on her first night back, Robin had found the trio cuddled up in Liza and Steve's bed. Both boys were shirtless while the blonde was only in her underwear and one of Eddie's shirts. The Metalhead held on to Steve's hand - under the blanket - excitedly as Robin stared at them with a gobsmacked expression for a moment. They expected her to have a fit but instead she huffed out that she couldn't believe they started the cuddle-puddle without her.

As the days went on, neither Dustin nor Robin had noticed anything. Not when Liza had been sandwiched between Steve and Eddie during the group's movie night, a blanket thrown across their laps as the blonde leaned into the Metalhead while her legs were on Steve's lap. Not when Eddie tilted Liza's head back to kiss her on the forehead when he went to work in the morning, moving to ruffle Steve's hair and ‘accidentally’ getting his fingers caught so he had to tug his hand causing Steve to cough to hide a groan. Not when Steve had wrapped his arms around Eddie's waist when the boy was cooking only to act like he had forgotten something on the counter when Dustin walked in. Everything seemed to come off as normal to their friends and in a way, showed them that their dynamic was inevitable.

They never once thought that their little bet could possibly backfire on them and in a big way.


Laying on the couch in his room, Eddie had his feet kicked up on the arm as music drowned out any other sound in the house. His eyes were shut as he tapped along to the song playing, his mind elsewhere as the song was on the playlist from the night he, Liza and Steve got together. He didn't think he had ever been happier than he had been in the last two weeks. Not only did he finally get to call Liza Henderson his girlfriend, get to kiss her and hold her and love her but he had the biggest shock in calling Steve Harrington his boyfriend, getting to kiss him, hold and if he was honest, love him.

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