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artificial love holds the world in its palms,

and i have a heart too frail to dare to be alive anymore

it beats simply of electricity and impulses, nary a care for feeling

cavernous gaping and empty,

abandoned home left for ivy to grow

cover it up, brick to rust, but sturdy as a storm,

the fortress stays.

it's a wasteland in here,

and why shouldn't it be;

the world around is fickle and feeble,

like a forest to the ground razed,

ashen and barren evermore;

loneliness lurks in every corner;

predators sharpen their teeth and whet their appetites on every morsel

desperate for a shred of something that appears to be love;

but it's aspartame and sucralose;

and i'd gladly take kerosene to the grave,

and let my bones burn,

to hell and back, but hell is

already here, transposed over this whatever-we're-living-in,

and so in reality i never left,

and i'm just sinking, quicksand assassin,

and with razor lips i smile, broken blades dripping

like all the pain in my chest cavity, a plague of swirling insanity;

little fool, oh fool you,

pennies were never made for tossing,

and hearts never for loving;

we're all walking hollow husks, devoid of anything concrete,

just trying to dog-eat-dog it, eyes on everyone slipping, unseeing, pretending

like love could somehow exist

in a landscape carved of extinction and misery

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