part 1

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The next day came which was the first day of school and jungkook got up and saw his roommate gone, which he thinks he already left for class jungkook yawn and put on his glasses as he got out of bed and went to changed his clothes and went to the gym of the college he gasp as he saw all the people in there.

Jk: many people.

He found a seat to sit and he bow to another men that was sitting next to him, the guy looked at him and bow to as he sat down. As the teacher and the staff was talking the guy sitting next to jungkook looked at him.

?: im Kim Taehyung by the way.

Jungkook looked at him confused and look around.

Jk: are you...are you talking to me?
T: yeah I am.
Jk; oh.

He fixed his glasses.

Jk: im jeon jungkook. I'm a freshman here.
T: sophomore here.
Jk: wow
T: I see that everyone at your school used to call you.....nerd boy?
Jk: yeah....
T: but hey I'm not like those people wanna be friends?

Jungkook looked at him in shock because this well be his first friend ever because he never had friends in high school, jungkook nodded.

Jk: yeah. Let's be friends.
T: cool.

They smile and continued to watch the assembly, later it was over and they walk out together.

Jk: so where you going?
T: to my first class which Is science.
Jk: oh ok.
T: how about you?
Jk: art class.
T: cool. So I'll see you later?
Jk: yeah.

Jungkook went to his class and he was getting nervous because he is worry that he might get bully in college as well, jungkook breath in and out and was looking around at the students coming in the class he held his chest because he was anxious and scared that he could get bully in this college. After class was over jungkook got out holding his books in his arms and was only looking down as he walked to his next class, taehyung saw him and ran up to him and tap his shoulder jungkook turn around with his big black glasses and messing hair.

T: hey.
Jk: oh hey tae.
T: feels weird being a freshman here right?
Jk: yeah getting anxious about it.
T: students here won't bully you trust me.
Jk: um why?
T: oh well cause they get bully.
Jk: what?
T: yeah. Some students here who are good or bad they get bully by someone here alot.
T: we'll they get their money stole because someone ask for it and when they push the buttons of that person, they well get best for it.
Jk: like...
T: yeah like Hella beat up.
Jk: oh.
T: yeah so don't worry yoy won't get bully, just make sure not to bump into the one who bully them.
Jk: who is it?
T: heh. You'll find out soon.

Jungkook watched taehyung walked away he sigh and just walked to his next class. Next it was lunch and jungkook was looking around cause he saw alot of students doing something on campus taehyung walked next to him.

Jk: whats all this?
T: oh its club.
Jk: they do that here?
T: yeah, just pick one you really like, sigh up, join them, meet up etc.
Jk: wow it's just like school.
T: yeah but this is different.
Jk: I see.
T: wanna take a look around?
Jk: yeah.

Jungkook an taehyung walked to look at what clubs they see and jungkook was amazed at the clubs they have it was just like high school. After looking around they both had their lunch.

T: didn't like a club you want to join?
Jk: no, I used to join alot of clubs back at high school but I don't want to join more.

Jungkook fixed his glasses.

T: I see.
Jk: yeah. Um I'm gotta get more snacks from the vending machine.
T: Kay.

Jungkook stood up leaving taehyung on the lunch table and went to the vending machine, when he got there he put a coin in and got the snack as he turn he bump into a girl.

?: hey watch it nerd.
Jk: im sorry.

He bow and as he got back up he saw a beautiful girl with long black hair with dark pink as highlights and with a lollipop in her mouth she glared at him and jungkooks heart started pounding.

Jungkook pov: crap.

She hand him his glasses that had fallen in her arms.

?: here you drop this.
Jk: uh thank you.
?: sure. Now move.

Jungkook walked away and put his glasses back on and sigh, he looked back and saw that she had her snacks and walked away with her girl-friends. Jungkook returned to taehyung and he saw him blushing.

T: something happen?
Jk: what? nothing happen.
T: okay.

Jungkook slap his cheeks feeling that it was hot, jungkook sigh and continued to eat. Later it was after school and jungkook went to his dormroom and his roommate was in there with his girlfriend and they were making out, jungkook sign and clear his throat they look up startled and quickly fix themselves.

Jk: really? Now?
J: sorry.
Jk: its 11 and I had a 6hr class I want to sleep and study so can you please?
J: yeah sure. Sorry babe, it's late I'll see you tomorrow.

She nod and left Jackson looked at jungkook and put on his shirt.

J: I didn't know you were coming.
Jk: it is my room to and my bed as well.
J: right. Right. How you came in without knocking?
Jk: ugh. I have a key.
J: right forgot.
Jk: look I don't want to chit chat I got studying to do and I need sleep.
J: yeah go ahead.

Jackson left the room and jungkook wore his pj's and stay up studying and they after 1am he went to bed leaving his laptop still open, his glasses on and just knock out with only his head on the headboard of the bed. Jackson was sleeping on his bed not knowing cause he came home with jungkook still up.

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