part 4

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The next day comes by and Abby got up with her messy hair and rub her eyes she stretched her head as she got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready to go to school. Jungkook woke up in the dormroom and saw that Jackson his roommate is still sleeping he yawn and put on his broken glasses on and went to the schools bathroom to get his face wash, he came back and saw Jackson was up.

Jk: you up?
J: yeah still tired, why can't the weekend be longer.
Jk: you don't have classes on tues and Thursdays so sleep in more.
J: oh I will.

Jackson grab his things and went to wash his face, jungkook then got dressed and walked out and then he saw taehyung as class haven't started.

Jk: whats up tae?
T: nothing much just got up.
Jk: same im so tired.
T: yeah same...oh.
Jk: what?
T: your glasses is broken.
Jk: oh no worries I uh dropped it while going shopping for Jackson at the 7/11 and I dropped it.
T: oh ok. You planning on buying a new one?
Jk: yeah.

Jungkook looked at the door and saw that Abby enter with her friends wearing...


He widened his eyes her hair was in a ponytail and she made eye contact with jungkook and he looked away immediately she walked towards him and Taehyung

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He widened his eyes her hair was in a ponytail and she made eye contact with jungkook and he looked away immediately she walked towards him and Taehyung.

A: yah.

He was nervous and she just looked at taehyung and smirk.

A: taehyung.
T: Abby.

Jungkook was shock that they know each other, he looked at taehyung.

A: looks like your friend here didn't buy a new glasses.
T: no but he's planning to.
A: ahhh I see.
T: and why you wearing like this?
A: cause I can, got a problem?
T: no. It's just that you never dress up like this to school it's always black outfit.
A: I know but I wanted to try something new.

Taehyung just scoff and she smirk.

A: God your  Irritating to look at
T; same goes for you dude.
A: whatever.

Abby walked away taehyung looked at jungkook who was looking at him in shock.

Jk: you guys know each other?
T: yeah, well in middle school before she turn dark and shit but yeah I do, she's like a sister and we don't like each other much cause we are like sister and brother when we see each other.
Jk: ah I see.
T: yeah, she was my first friend in middle school.
Jk: really?
T: yeah....heh I was lonely alot and she came up to me just talking about something random until she say " let's be friends, I want to be your friend snice your lonely." And that's how we became friends.

Jungkook just chuckled alittle and then the bell ring and jungkook went to class as he entered he bump into Abby and he gasp.

A: yah.
Jk: i-im sorry...
A: jungkook right?
Jk: yeah.
A: you didn't buy a new glasses.
Jk: no I didn't, I have my own.

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