part 14

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After Abby found out that jungkook was one of the bad guys and now that misang is dead she finally tend jungkooks funeral all his friends was there and Abby was there she was sad Li was panting her back she hugged him and cry quietly. As the funeral was happening jungkooks sprite appear and he smiled as he saw Abby, taehyung and his brother he sigh and turn around as he saw his parents reaching out for him.

M: you ready son?
Jk: I am.

He walked over to them and gran their hand and disappeared to thin air. After his funeral Abby walked over to his brother and sat next to him.

A: im so sorry about jungkook.
B: no, he was right I didn't show him enough love after our parents die, I just love my girlfriend more and I couldn't show him emotions after our parents die.
A: don't say that, I know you love him. When I was dating him he was such a nice person and kind he didn't look like the person to join musang I wish I knew sooner but it was to late..
B: it's okay, after all this we will move on.
A: yeah. So what you okanning to do now?
B: im moving to the states with my girlfriend after everything that's happen.
A: I see.
B: what about you?
A: ill just stay here and move on and find love again.
B: good

Abby smiled and she left as she saw li she smiled and went to him.

A: let's go.

They went to the car. Flashback of what happen when Abby was being chased by musangs men after they shot them, her and li went to a dark alley and as Li's hand was on the wall and Abbys back was behind it he looked down on her and she blushed at how close they were, li just looked at her and Li lend in and kissed her Abby kissed back and pull him closer Li hold her cheek and as they broke the kiss Abby was shock at what happen and so after that she try to avoid it after jungkook got killed. Li got to her house and she got out of his car and they look at each other and she just smiled and left feeling weird and Li couldn't hold back he ran up to her and grab her wrist she turn to him.

L: is this how it's gonna go?
A: what you mean?
L; are you acting like we didn't kiss that day? Avoid me like this.
A: yes I can! You kissed me first I didn't kiss you, but I kiss back because I was just so stress and depressed! What you wanted to do about this? I wasn't in my right mind that day because I was still shock that my dead boyfriend was a bad guy.

Li just scoff.

L: did you kissed me back just because you didn't believe jungkook was the bad guy? You didn't have feelings?
A: no I didn't, but why did you kiss me?
L: no reason.

He let her hand go.

L: fine let's just be like this forever avoid each other all day all year.
A: fine.

They walked away and then in fthe next couple of months Abby and Xing Li has been avoiding each other not talking or looking at each other their friends noticed that Li wasn't in the group anymore, but Abby had went back to her Dark Night again bully everyone because she misses jungkook but is slowly moving on from him. Until one day after school Abby stopped in the front of the campus and saw that Xing Li was kissing a girl she was shock and her friend grab her.

A: what?
F: whats going on with you and Li?
A: nothing.
F: what you mean? Something is definitely going on.
A: its really nothing just drop it.
F: you saw didn't you?
A: what?
F: that girl is Li's new girlfriend.
A: oh.

Her friend looked at her and saw thay Abby was sad about the news.

A: thanks for telling me.

Abby walked pass her and went home her aunt wasn't home she went on a business trip, Abby cry in her room as she looked at pictures of jungkook.

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