part 9

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Jungkook was shock that Abby had kissed him he smile in the kiss and hold her cheek and kiss back she place her hand on his chest and then they heard the  Dormroom door open Abby open her eyes and push him away jungkook was shock and fell on the floor Abby looked over and it was his roommate Jackson looking drunk.

Jk: yah Jackson are you okay?
J: mmmmmm you are here with a woman? Who? Omigod the Dadk Nighr?
Jk: uhhh here get to bed

Jungkook helped him go to his bed Abby got her things and ran out of the room jungkook saw and looked around as he was embarrassed but happy that Abby likes him back, Abby ran to her friends room and told her everything her friend laugh.

A: Lisa! What do I do?
L: well you kiss him first and he kissed back so it means you like him.
A: i-i-I don't know what to do.
L: our Dark Night is going to be in a relationship.
A: no, no I have to avoid him from now.
L: wait why?
A: i-i-I just have to.

Abby walked out and drove back home. Next morning she woke up and went downstairs her aunt looked at her worry.

A: auntie, Whats wrong?
Au: I don't know who sent a letter last night to us but it was from your school they were threatening you.
A: let me see.

Abby took the letter and it say

"Choi Abby I know who you are and I know you bully us for no reason but I am gotta get back at you, your not going to be call "Dark Night' anymore once I'm done with you meet me behind the campus after school and if you don't want to hurt your auntie you better show up, i also know where you live so you better watch out. I'll show you no mercy"

Abby grown and looked at her aunt.

A: I do not know how they found our address but I'm gotta make sure they don't come here.

Abby walked out of the school and as she got there she saw jungkook she gasp and walked away jungkook looked and look down.

T: she avoiding you after what happen yesterday?
Jk: yeah. I guess she doesn't like me at all.
T: but she kissed you.
Jk: I know but she's not sure about her feelings yet.
T: oh.

Abby was in class and she can't think about jungkook and the kissed she has to think about her dangerment that's happening because of the letter she got and then jungkook appear infront of her he touch her wrist she flitch.

Jk: hey we need to talk.
A: what is it!?

Abby shout and stood up jungkook looked at her in shock.

A: about what huh?! We don't need to talk about anything! Doesn't mean you got to know about me you can talk to me like I'm your friend.

All the other classmates looked at them.

Jk: abby...
A: I told you everything you want to know and thats all I have to tell you so I'm not giving you more information about me and my past so please just leave me alone!

Abby growl and walked pass him, jungkook just stood there in shock taehyung hread and came up to him as he touch his shoulder jungkook flick it off and walked away in anger. As Abby got out of the class she stopped as she saw the person smirk at her.

A: hey!

Abby ran after them and as she made a turn they dissappear.

Abby pov: that's the person who sent me the letter right?

Abby was mad and so it was lunch and Abby went back to her normal self which is bully others but this time in a different level her friends look at her as she continue to kick the guy that was talking back at her and calling her a 'slut' and saying that she sleeps with many men that's why she doesn't have a boyfriend.

F1: yall stop Abby.
A: ahh!

As Abby was about to do another hard kick jungkook grabbed her wrist and she turn same with her friends she flick his grip off her hand.

A: what you want?

She glared at jungkook.

Jk: what the hell is wrong with you? Do you want to go to jail for beating up a student?
A: like I care what happens to me, he was talking shit about me thats why I did this.
Jk: I know somethings wrong with you Abby.
A: nothings wrong now let me go!

As jungkook hold her wrist Abby she try to flick his grip again but she was struggling jungkook pull her towards him and kissed her her friends was shock, Abby grunt and bit his bottom lip.

Jk: ah!

Abby got out of his grip and slapped jungkook he looked at her in anger she heavily breath as there was blood on her lip.

A: I hate you.

She say Dark and walked away her friends walked away with her, jungkook spit and left the guy on the floor. Later it was after school and Abby was by herself she was waiting for the person who send the letter to her home Abby then saw someone coming towards she look and the girl took off her hoodie and smirk at her.

A: you?

Abby say cruelly the girl laugh.

??: hahaha yes I'm the one who send you that letter hahaha I fucking hate you for what you did to me. I'm Kim Anna nice to meet you again Choi Abby.
A: what the hell is wrong with you sending me that letter? My aunt was so scared!
An: oh will I'm sorry for scary your aunt.
A: why?!
An: I hated you for bully me! I hate you because your name is call dark night, I was call the dark night once but I was never the dark night everyone didn't know me much like how they know you. And your old aunt was stupid enough to not know how to rise you right.
A: you bitch!

Abby jumped on her and they started fighting. Jungkook was thinking about abby and he stopped and sigh.

Jk: I didn't know she suffer for so long.

Meanwhile Anna was laughing as she hit Abby.

An: I know your parents, I know what happen to you in high school and what made you like this I also know your parents got murder! Hahaha.
A: bitch! Huh ah!

Anna had jumped on her and started to choke her as Abby struggled to get her off, Anna give her the creazy eyes abs was giggling like a  Psychopath Abby saw the same look the robbers give her when they kill her parents then she saw Anna pull out a box cutter Abby gasp.

A: nooo!
An: ahahahha! Die Choi Abby!

As she rise the boxcutter up Abby was gasping, jungkook saw came running and grab Anna's wrist she look up as jungkook grab her, pull her off Abby and throw her against the school wall Anna grunt and fainted jungkook ran to Abby and grab her.

Jk: abby! Are you okay?

Abby gasp as she woke up about to see white and there she sees jungkook she clench her teeth and burst out crying jungkook was shock, Abby put her head on his shoulder as she cry jungkook oat her back. Later jungkook walked her home because she didn't come to school with her car, jungkook had his jacket around Abby.

Jk: we're here.
A: thank you.
Au: oh my god Abby!

Abby looked and her aunt came running to her and hugged her.

Au: your neck I'm so sorry, your alive.
A: auntie....
Au: thank you young man.

Jungkook bow Abby walked with her aunt and she turn back to look at jungkook and stop and ran to him she peck his lips, jungkook widened his eyes Abby looked up at him and looked away, blush, pount then say.

A: im sorry for hitting you and not accepting your feelings. But thank you again for today and i-i-i like you t-to.

Jungkook widened his eyes more Abby ran away and they went inside her house jungkook chuckled and looked at her mini mansion.

Jungkook pov: finally.

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