part 7

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After Abby got bully she was just not herself anymore jungkook was worried about her but she told him not to worry and that she is not afraid of them or getting bully because she's the black night in campus. Next day came and they both went to school and just annoyed each other pretty much, after their 3rd class was done they went to pe and they had swimming together Abby was changed to her swimsuit and same with the other girls the boys was wearing only shorts and half of the girls was fangirling at the guys body Abby just stay alone and roll her eyes jungkook was in the same class and just looked at her. The  Coach was teaching them about the danger in swimming and how to save life's etc, and so Abby was at the edge of the pool the girls behind her that she bullied before smirked at her and was whispering something to each other pointing at her jungkook was at the back not knowing, they smirk and push Abby in the pool the Coach and the students looked the coach yelled at the girls meanwhile the other students laugh at Abby she knew how to swim so as she was coming back up she felt a cramp on her right leg Abby struggled coming back up the water was splashing.

G1: she knows how to swim, she's faking it haha.

The cramp got worse and Abby struggled more and she was about to pass out for being under to long, jungkook push the people away and jumped in the water to save her. He got up and Abby gasp and pant holding onto jungkook.

Jk: your fine. Your fine Abby.

As jungkook put her back to the counter Abby stood up and glared at the girl who push her and so Abby walked up to her and punch her and then walked away panting holding her leg, the girl was on the floor and everyone who saw "oooooo" the girl.

G1: shut up!

She saw jungkook looked down at her by glaring and walked away, Abby was in the locker room and was changing back to her outfit sobbing jungkook then walked In and she saw him.

A: what you want?
Jk: are you okay?
A: yeah totally. I've never been bully before but I am so yeah I'm fine they are giving me a piece of my own medicine.
Jk: abby.....
A: what?! Doesn't me you like me you can care for me.
Jk: but I do! My feelings for you are real and I was sincere about it.
A: yeah but I haven't accept it yet so please I know your worry about me but please I need space, I'll give you an answer later.

She grade her bag and walked out passing jungkook, he sigh and walked out.

Her outfit

Abby walked out with tears in her eyes but she hasn't been herself lately  so she is just stressed, later it was after school and Abby saw taehyung she ran to him and grab his arm

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Abby walked out with tears in her eyes but she hasn't been herself lately  so she is just stressed, later it was after school and Abby saw taehyung she ran to him and grab his arm.

T: oh hey dude!
A: jungkooks not with you right?
T; no he will soon why?
A: is his feelings real for me?
T: yeah. He liked you snice first day of school started.
A: you know I never had a boyfriend before.
T: yeah because of what happen I know.
A: but why would he like me if he knew I was the "Dark Night" on campus?
T: we'll cause he's not scared of you.
A: is that why he changed his looks because I haven't answered him?
T: maybe. Just be his friend.

Abby sigh and just walked away and then there she saw jungkook he looked and waves at her smiling she widened her eyes and blushed then took the short way to fine her friends but jungkook had grab her hand she looed at him.

A: what?
Jk: you wanna go shopping with me? My parents need something at the market.
A: don't you live in the campus droom?
Jk: I do but I sometimes vist my parents.
A: okay fine.

They walked out of campus and so later after shopping they took a break at the park and was eating ice cream together.

A: so...have you um dated before?
Jk: no, I was a nerd so no everyone hated me because I was a nerd.
A: but what made you changed first?
Jk: I just wanted everyone to stopped looking at me.
A: you sure it wasn't me who made you like this um good looking?
Jk: no, no it wasn't you at all I just wanted a change.
A: oh.

They continue to eat and then jungkook looked at her she noticed.

A: what?
Jk: you got ice cream on your cheek
A: where? Here?

Abby continue find it she was struggling to fine it and jungkook chuckled and wipe it away himself she was shock and looked at him.

Jk: what?
A: um nothing..

Her heart started to pound and she fixed her hair, later they went home and Abby just looked at him he noticed and say.

Jk: there's one thing nobody knows about me.
A: what?
Jk: I wasn't just a nerd, I was a nerd before my parents separated.
A: wait then who are we going to drop these off to?
Jk: my mom, I vist my mom more then my dad.
A: what made them have a divorce?
Jk: my dad was caught cheating by my mom when I was close to finishing middle school.
A: oh
Jk: I used to be a cute and handsome boy back in middle school but after that happen I started to change in high school.
A: and that divorce made you into a nerd?
Jk: yeah and so everyone bullied me and now I decided to change that today looking like this
A: I see.

They got to jungkooks place and he turn to her.

A: now make your mom some good food.

Jungkook just nodded and Abby looked at him and fixed his shirt he looked at her in shock.

A: see ya then

She walked away jungkook clench his teeth and fist and then ran to grab her wrist she turn and looked at him.

A: what?

Jungkook didn't say anything but place his lips on hers she widened her eyes.

Jungkook pov: you may made me wait but I'll he waiting for you..

He left her lips and walked away Abby blushed and touch her lips.

Abby pov: omigod

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