part 10

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Jungkook flip his hair in excitement and turn around not leaving her mini mansion yet he's outside the closed gate jungkook just chuckled and was excited that Abby peck him but not kiss him he laughed and was so glad that he finally know her feelings. Abby got in her room and she blush and smiled and got changed tomorrow was gonna be her weekend so she was happy that she finally gets to relax she got changed and went downstairs to join her aunt.

A: the girl won't be bothering us anymore aunt.
Au: oh good.

Abby just walked back to her room and as she did she walked pass her parents room she walked back and open their room she sigh and went inside it was now a office for her aunt Abby looked around and close her eyes

Flashback 20yrs ago:
12yr old Abby was in the room she was giggling and laughing with her parents who were asleep

12 A: get up!!!!
D: ooh honey let us sleep.
M: don't wanna get up.
12 A: come on come on! Ahh! Hahahahha!
D: ahhhh you monster form waking us up.
M: oh nooo.

Abby open her eyes and smiled she looked at an old photobook and there was pictures if them, her aunt walked in and look at her.

Au: I didn't know you were in here.
A: oh yeah...

She sat down on the other chair.

Au: you wanna hear a story about your mom how she met your dad?
A: oooo yeah.

Abby put the book down and sat infront of her aunt.

The story telling:
10yrs ago
20yr old min Youngsoo just started working at her parents restaurant with her sister min Parksong and their mom and dad but one thing is youngsoo was not good at the job she was really clumsy when it comes to talking to people, one of their regular walked in their mom notice.

M: oh Youngsoo go get the men order
Y: your regular Customer?
M: yeah.
Y: but I'm-
D; just go do it your sister is serving other customers.
Y: ugh! Fine.

Youngsoo took the paper and pen then walked over to the guy.

Y: hi can I take your order?
???: yeah can I have black bean noodles with some beef dumplings?
Y: okay anything else?
??: no thats all.
Y: ok.

Youngsoo walked away and give the order to her dad then her mom hand her the water and cups.

M: now go give him water.
Y: im gotta spill it.
M: it's okay, it's call practice.

Youngsoo took the water and walked over to the guy.

Y: here's some water sir.

She place the cup and as she pour the water it had spill on him she gasp.

Y; oh my god! I'm so sorry!

Youngsoo bowed the guy grabbed some towels and wiped himself.

???: its okay, it's no problem

Youngsoo was so embarrassed because a cute handsome man came in but got water all over him youngsoo walked away and went to her mom.

Y: I can't do this.
M: honey.

Youngsoo took off her apon and walked away her family just shook her head.

D: she'll come back.

The guy came out of the bathroom after cleaning himself and saw youngsoo walked out of the restaurant. Later she came back and her sister looked at her.

Y: what?
P; the guy that you spill water on give me his number.
Y: what why?
P: I don't know he say it was for you, looks like he's interested in you.
Y: no way.

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