part 11

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Alright guys i am back, i feel so much better after that very bad stomach flu but i am back and writing again enjoy.

After their first Date Abby was trying hard to find the killer who order the two robbers to kill her parents she was in her room searching in her laptop for the same watch that the guy was wearing she sigh and flip her hair then her aunt came in with fruits.

Au: doing any good?
A: no I can't seem to find him, ugh! It was a long ago what if I don't find him?
Au: you well.

Her aunt left the room Abby sigh in distress and just ate the apple slice. Then it show a black room with the moon shining in someone was on the phone.

???: yes. I'll make sure she knows knows.

Then someone open the door.

??: yah!!!!! Let's party! Wooo
??: gotta go boss.

Abby sneeze she looked around.

A: someone's talking about me.

She close her laptop and stretched Then got dress on her pj's and then she got a phone call from jungkook she smiled alittle and picked up.

A: hello?
Jk: got any lead?
A; no....its so hard.
Jk: don't worry Tomorrow let's just ask around.
A; okay.

They hang up and Abby looked at the phone and sigh.

Abby pov: im sorry jungkook I can't take you seriously yet I need to find him...

Then her phone ring again it was one of her group friends she smiled widely and answer.

A: hi Xing Li
L; hey you busy?
A: I am why?
L; are you busy now?
A; no just chilling.
L: then you mind if I come over?
A: for what?
L: to hang and chill.
A: oh sure.

They hang up and smiled then Abby looked around and saw that her aunt had left the house she fixed her hair because Xing Li was her first friend in high school before becoming apart of her group to bully people at the campus. Xing Li was 23yrs old, has a mullet, black hair, 5'12. He knocked on her door Abby opened the door.

L: hey.
A: hi.
L: aunt not home?
A: no come in.

Xing Li was the type of guy who doesn't cost problems he was a innocent kid snice he was the only boy in his family, he only hang with Abby, they chill on the couch eating chips and watching movie.

L: so are you serious about that nerd?
A: jungkook? Um well yeah.
L; I see. But how serious?
A: we just went on our first date today.
L; oh.
A: yeah.

Xing Li just give Abby a side eye and eat, Li was a good style he workout for his arm and abs only but one thing he hides from Abby is his feelings, he liked Abby snice they were friends in high-school on their third year. But it didn't hurt him that she was dating someone else.

L: you know Abby.
A: yeah?
L: if jungkook ever hurts you I'm here for you.
A: oh I know that.

She pat the back of his head and smiled later Li went home Abby was so tired she knocked out, jungkook was at the campus studying he smiles thinking about abby and their date. The next morning Abby got up and call jungkook to meet her and he did they went around and ask about the blond guy. A woman point at the picture.

W: oh I know that watch but I don't remember who had it.

Abby growl and they decided to split up after a hour of being gone they came back for a meet up and Abby gasp as she Saw that jubgkook took a pick of the same dude.

A: how?!
Jk; um i don't know I just took a picture because he had the same watch.
A: did he left?
JK: yeah.
A: nooo.

They took the picture and started to ask around then a worker knows him.

W: oooh him! That's Kim Musang he just turn 33 good he's so nice, still got that blonde hair.
A: do you know anything else about him?
W: well he had a divorce and his ex wife took his kids and fled, he's the CEO of the Fram company.
A: I see, thank you.

Abby took jungkooks hand and they went to the library and searched for his name and he popped out.

A: omg he's the guy, he looks so young but old.
Jk; we'll fine him.
A: he left. He might not come back.
Jk: I know.

Jungkook put his arms around Abby and she turn off the computer and they went home, jungkook dropped her off Abby smiled.

A: thanks for today.

Abby kissed him jungkook kissed back.

A: let's go on another date.
Jk: tomorrow after school then.
A: yeah.

She giggled and left then his phone ring he picked up, Abby enter her home and just lay in bed

A: so tired.

She knocked out and didn't hear her phone ringing next to her, jungkook called he was in the dark room while his roommate slept, jungkook sigh. Next morning came around and Abby got dressed to go to school she wanted to look cute but she couldn't because know her as the Dark Night at the campus she sigh and wore black sweats, black croptop sweater, black shoes and alittle of black makeup and then on top of that Is her black bag she walked out with her hoodie on she walked to school with a lollipop in her mouth and so all her friends greet her as she walked on the streets.

L: yall hear?
F1: hear what?
L: our little dark night is finally dating.
All: ooooh
A: yah we only have one date.
F2: today is the second?
A: uh yes.

They all laughed and giggled making fun of her and so she got angry and chase the girls, they all wear black Xing Li just watched smiling.

Xing Li: it's like watching kids play around.

He chuckled and went after them, later they got to the school and Abby saw jungkook, also wearing all black she was shock.

A: ah jungkook your wearing-
Jk: yeah so these students here know that their scary dark night is dating.

Jungkook put is arm around her and the students gasp that the hot guy that came to the school looking all nerdy is dating the dark night, the bully in the school. Abby smirk and looked at everyone they all back away and let them pass, but abbys mind was on finding that guy only she couldn't concentrate in class. As she was in her first class she just chill until she looked out of her class window and saw a blonde old/young looking guy she gasp and thought about the picture that jungkook took of him, her class was next to the school parking look he looked up at Abby, made eye contact with her and smirk Abby got up and ran out of the class that hasn't started. She ran to the parking lot but the car was already gone she looked everywhere panting.

Abby pov: where did he go? No! I just found you! No! Come back.

She clench her fist.

A: ill find you for close.

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