part 2

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Next morning jungkook woke up and realized that he had knocked out while staying up studying all night he growl and rub his eyes under his big glasses and then moved all his notes and textbooks aside to go use the bathroom he saw that his roommate Jackson had already left the room he didn't care but use the bathroom, after using the bathroom he got out and got dressed and fix his hair.

Jungkook pov: I wonder if I'm gotta met that girl again.

He smiled and blush just thinking about that girl he met yesterday during lunch on the vending machine jungkook walked out as he had his backpack and textbooks in his arms and walk to class. As he was walking to class he heard laughing or giggling but loud talking and shouting, he went where it was and as he peek through the hallway he gasp it was the girl he met yesterday and saw her thay she had her one leg on the wall bending down with her arms crossed and smirking while wearing a skirt with her friends and a guy on the wall jungkook saw her pull out her one hand and say.

?: give me your money I want to see how rich and poor you are.

She giggle jungkook was shock, then the guy give her his wallet the girl took it and open to see if he had money she pull out a couple of 100s and smirk at her friends.

?: thats all you have? Just 200?
G: i don't have much, I came from a poor family.
?: whatever.

She threw the money and wallet at him and they walked away, jungkook was shock and walked away he couldn't believe what he saw.

Jungkook pov: is that the same girl? It can't be.

Jungkook got to class and sat down just waiting for the rest of the students to come in as jungkook sat there alone looking for people he knows or maybe make new friends but he can't because it's his second say at the college he then saw taehyung enter the door jungkook waved at him and he wave back, taehyung went to him and sat next to him.

Jk: oh good your here.
T: haha I am.
Jk: how many students are in here?
T: like 20 of them.

They saw more students enter and then later the bell ring and class started, as the professor was teaching and students focus the door got kicked open everyone jumped and look and there jungkook widened his eyes it was the same girl with a lollipop in her mouth and dark pink highlights on her hair she put her leg down and look around then the professor say.

P: your late again ms. Kim.
K; oh please I skipped your class yesterday mr. Glasses.
P: *sigh* well that wasn't supposed to happen.
K: well I recall it the first day so I don't really care.
P: fine. First of all my name is not Mr. Glasses, it's Mr. Choi.
K: and my last name doesn't need to be call its my first name Abby. Ms. Abby not that.
C: just go fine a seat.

Abby walked towards the people infront of her and move her head aside telling them to move, they move out of her way and she sat down with her legs on the table mr. Choi looked at her and so did the rest.

C: do you mind putting your legs down Abby?
A: why? Is it cause I'm wearing a skirt? Or is this just turning you on?

All the students gasp Abby chuckled.

A: I may be hot but I'm not interested in you your order then me thats nasty.

Mr. Choi sigh and looked at her, Abby scoffed and got up flipping her hair.

A: whatever. I don't need to he here, this shit is boring to teach.

Abby walked to the door.

C: where you going?
A: getting out of this place with my cigarette.

She pull out a box of her cigarette she smiles and walked out.

T: you see that? That's Kim abby. She bullies everyone in campus.
Jk: oh.
T: thats why all students here are scared of her the way she treats them.
Jk: I see.
T: so yeah don't get on her bad side.
Jk: right.

Jungkook was curious about her but he didn't want to bother her, during lunchtime taehyung and jungkook was just eating their lunch in the college  Cafeteria then the door open and jungkook looked there enter Abby and her friends all wearing black and walked in the cafeteria everyone make way for them cause they were scared and was looking down Abby smirked and bought a bread and walked back out. Jungkook looked at taehyung.

Jk: hey taehyung.
T: yeah?
Jk; what do you know about Kim abby?
T: will all I know is that I'm not Friends with her, nobody is haha. She likes to hang out around midnight to smoke and chat with her friends. Uhhhhhh oh and I heard a rumor from I think one of the professors at the college office saying that they looked into Abby past life like high school and turns out that professor was a teacher at her high school she graduated, because I think one of the students reported her for bullying her and of course Abby give no fucks and didn't listen because that's who she is. But I heard that Abby was a good student in high school, she was smart, pretty, talkative had good friends and she listen and study alot. She was a great student she had the highest GPA in high school but I think one day came around like after spring break she came back pretty fucked up, she was getting piss off easily throwing and kicking chairs and table around when someone push her buttons and she would flip out. The school reported her for Threatening a student and bully others, they told her parents to talk to her but she didn't listen so Abby flock her grades and her grades keep failing every year she was in and then as senior hits she got her grades back up and graduated and now she's here smart as ever.
Jk: wow.

Jungkook was impressed and impressed that she had a dark history but what he wanted to know is what happen to her when spring break over at her school, after lunch they went their own ways and went to class. Now it was dark and as jungkook was walking to his room he heard talking he looked at the middle of the campus and there Abby was there smoking with her friends, then Abby looked over and jungkook gasp as he was about to walk away Abby shout out.

A: hey nerd!

He gasped and looked over and see that Abby was already walking towards him he stumble back and she was infront of him.

A: if you tell anyone you saw me here smoking I'll kick your ass.
Jk: i-i-i won't.
A: good.

Abby fixed his glasses and left.

A: later kid.

Jungkook was breathing heavily and he blushed.

Jungkook pov: why is my heart pounding so fast?

Later he got to his room and close the door and open the light and saw that Jackson his roommate was out he let out relief sigh and went to bed.

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