part 8

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Abby went to her place and was shock at what just happen she touch her lips slightly and blush so hard trying to think what just happen, she pant and flip her hair and look around her aunt had went to bed Abby just wanted to scream remembering jungkooks lips on hers, she ran upstairs to her beautiful room and  Scream in her pillow that was her first kiss but not fully it was just a passion kiss not a moving lip kind of kiss Abby just turn back to look at her ceiling and sigh.

A: nothing like that ever happen to me before, that was my first passion kiss.

She blushed.

A: I hate him, I can't believe it.

Abby just went to bed next morning she woke up and wore her everyday outfit which was all black only.


She smirk and walkout of her mini mansion and drove to school, jungkook and taehyung got to school

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She smirk and walkout of her mini mansion and drove to school, jungkook and taehyung got to school.

T: so you kissed her last night?
Jk: yeah, and I think she hates me now.
T: of course you kiss her unexpectedly and I think it was a bad idea because of what she does around here.
Jk: right.

Jungkook looked and saw Abby enter the school and he was shock to see her outfit Abby knocked one of the guys water fom her hands and walked away her friends smirk seeing her again Abby just lick her lips and she saw jungkook she roll her eyes and walked away with them taehyung looked at jungkook.

T: see.
Jk: yeahhhh she hates me.

Abby was laughing with her friends and talking with them so one of her friends looked at her.

F1; that nerd boy likes you?
A: yeah. I can't believe it. I don't like him anyway don't get me wrong.
F2: and if you do?
A: then he's my boyfriend for life.

They all laughed and then Abby went to class and there she saw jungkook and she didn't care about him. Later it was lunch and Abby was sitting with her friends and jungkook came up to her and hand her a sandwich.

A: what is this for?
Jk: you didn't get anything to eat so here.

Abby took it and the other students was looking she smirk and look at her friends who was giving her the look.

A: what?
F3: he likes you for real.
A: I know.

She ate the food and taehyung looked at jungkook.

T; nice.
Jk: I know.

Later after school Abby ran up to jungkook and he was shock that she came up to him suddenly.

A: yeah..
Jk: hey.
A: um...uh nevermind.

Abby walked away and jungkook was curious what she was gonna say he went and grab her hand she looked over.

Jk: um you wanna come over and I can help you with your homework.
A: sure.
Jk: yeah.

He smiles at her and her heart pound later they got to his dorm room but his roommate Jackson wasn't there she sat down on his bed and he took off his black jacket and sat next to her.

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