part 16(final)

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1yr later

Someone was cleaning jungkooks tomb stone with water and wiping it with a dry towel, the person was wearing black showing their smiled and their black hair. They were fixing g the flowers that they bought for jungkookand placking food for jungkook wiping his name with their thumb smiling it show the face it was Abby she had long black hair a white hair clip on her one side of her hair, everyday when she wants to visit jungkook she and Xing Li would dress up black to whebever it was time for them to come visit. Abby looked up in the sky.

A: you know jungkook I'm happy now and I hope you were too, I got married last year with Xing Li. Isn't it funny that me the one they call 'Dark Night' in school got married with her friend, I miss you alot jungkook but I know you want me to be happy. I finally found happiness, Li was always there for me when you left this world. I've changed alot after I've gotten married, but I will always come visit you. You well always be the love of my life but it ended so soon, I wish you seen me now. Well...

Abby got up and look down.

A: its time I go, I'll come back again jungkook, oh one more thing

Abby was patting her big stomach.

A: im 7 months pregnant almost almost due soon just two more to go, it's a boy I can't wait to meet him, I want you to meet him too but I can't bring him here...see you.

Abby looked at her shoulder and saw Xing Li waving at her she smiled and then she felt someone touch her shoulder she gasp and looked around there was no one.

L: hey whats wrong?
A: nothing. Let's go.

Li hold her back and she put her head on his shoulder, and then jungkooks  Spirit appear and he smiled.

Jk: I am happy for you abby...seeing you happy makes me happy too.

He smiles and dissappear. Abby and xing was in the car driving her home Abby looked at him.

A: do you really have to go to work that far?
L: will be watching you.
A: I know..I'll miss you.
L: me too.

Xing Li pat her stomach.

L: ill miss you to buddy.

Abby smiled and later they got home and xing li packed to leave he gave Abby a peck and walked out of the house Abby sobbed and his mom looked at her.

M: it's okay sweetie he'll come back
A: I miss him already, I don't know how long it's been snice we split like this mother in law....*crying*
M: it's your hormones from this pregnancy that's why your crying so much.

Abby just sat down on the couch while her mother in law took care of the house and her, later xing let her know that he made it to jinju Island for his business.

A: be back you.

She hang up and then she heard a thump downstairs she flitch.

A: mother?!

She shouted and she didn't answer.

A: mother are you still here?

It's only the afternoon, Abby was holding her phone in her hand just in case a intruder broke in, Abby slowly walked downstairs in her house.

A: mother in law?

As she got downstairs she saw blood she gasp and widened her eyes it was her mother in law on the kitchen floor  Conscious Abby ran to her.

A: mother! Oh my god!

She shaked and then she touch the blood and looked at her hand shaking remembering jungkooks death.

A: h-hang on!

She grabbed her phone and call 119 later the  Ambulance shown up and took her mother in law, she watch as they put her in their car then she gasp and hold her stomach.

A: ah....

The lady ambulance noticed and and walked up to her.

L: ma'am are you okay?
A: yeah...this is not a easy pregnancy baby's been kicking hard alot.
L: I know the feeling. Well you be okay alone?
A: yeah.

They left and Abby let xing li know.

L: what?! Moms in the hospital?
A: yeah...she's getting old honey, she'll be fine I'll visit her tomorrow.
L: okay but who's watching you?
A: ill be okay alone babe. I have the kitchen knifes and your gun.
L: careful.
A: you too.

She rubbed her bully and then hang up and call one of her best friends in the group name Annie. Annie was dating one of the college students at the school, Abby didn't dare to bully him he was from a rich family as well so Abby never takes to him until she was introduced by him one day. And so after graduation on their 4th year anniversary he proposed to her and now she's 25 got 3 kids and having another, she was only 5 months pregnant.

An: whats up babe?
A: hey xing li is not home and mother in law is ar hospital after a nasty fall so now I'm alone with all the lights on and curtains close. With a knife.
An: thats good.
A: my hormones is all over the place.
An: oh gosh I know the feeling everytime my husband leaves me I cry cause I'm stuck with 3 kids, gotta pick them up from school and deal with them.

Abby laughed later Abby was just resting patting her stomach thinking about good times she had with jungkook.

Abby pov: even tho I'm married and expecting a baby soon, I still miss you jungkook.

She smiled and looked at the ceiling.

Abby pov:
I know I should move on from you and be happy this is what you want me to do.

Abby just heard a knock and she trun and as the door open it was xing li she gasp and ran to him and hugged him he laughed.

A: God I miss you.

She tear up alittle.

A: why you here? I thought u won't be here until 2 days.
L: after hearing mom collapsed and you being home alone with our baby I got scared and came as soon as possible.
A: mmm...

A few months later Abby had given birth to their baby boy name Xing Minho they were welcoming their baby boy to the world and after a few checkups they were able to take Minho home and alot of Xing li families visited the baby Abby was healing but she was able to hold and feed minho and as for xing li he didn't want his wife to wake up in the middle of the night to take care of baby minho so he volunteered to take care of him at night. One night xing li was in their bed holding minho Abby woke up and smiled at them.

A: you love him don't ya?
L: I do, he's our baby.
A: mmm...
L: how you feeling?
A: better seeing you two.

Li smiles and peck her lips.

L: I want him to sleep with us.
A: but babe.
L: just for tonight.
A: fine.

He put minho in the middle and they both slept. After Abby heal up from childbirth she went to vist jungkooks grave after a long time now going, li and minho was in the car waiting for her Abby clean his dirty tombstone and put food and flowers on his grave.

A: I've given birth jungkook, and I hope you love minho he looks just like me but I don't want him to be like me of who I was back in the days, I bought a cake for you it's your birthday today. My baby is name Minho I hope you like it, I want you to meet him but he's in the car waiting. Please watch over him jungkook...where ever you are. I hope your happy jungkook....

She smiled and blow out his cake and left the graveyard she looked up smiling at the sky.

Abby pov: I hope your happy jungkook...spend your birthday with your family.

She smiles and enter the car they drove home while she looked at li and he hold her hand and smiled at her she smiles back.


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