part 13

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A; why jungkook? Why would you do this to me?

Jungkook just sigh and scoffed and so misang looked at her and smirked.

M: your man here worked for me after his parents die when he was 20yrs old, I was already fired and I needed his help.
A: but-but you have two other men who work for you and to come kill my parents.
M: yes they did it for the money not me I just needed them gone, and so jungkook helped me after they both failed because you shot them.

Abby looked at jungkook and burst into tears.

A: what the fuck jungkook!? You betrayed me like this? How could you after all we did together? You'll gotta throw all that away just because you work with my parents killer?
Jk: there was nothing between us Abby.
A: what? What are you talking we did all those things and I made them into a memory jungkook!
Jk: when you bully those people I just think about myself when I was bully, so I became your boyfriend because I didn't want you to bully them anymore.
A: but I still did, you could of just told me instead of joining this monster.

Abby cry out.

A: we never got to say "I love you" to each other, I never in my life have a boyfriend who betrayed me and just used me to get to their boss.
Jk: that's all I have to say.

Jungkook walked away Abby scream musang just smirk and left the room Abby growl and she was trying to get out of there she wiggle and wiggle until one of her hand slipped out and she was untying herself and so she got out and grab a pole that was near her and open the door she was cover in sweat and tears she saw some of the bad guys and hit them then started to ran out of the building, jungkook and the boss heard.

Jk; what we gotta do?
M: well she ran out we'll go after her and kill her.

Abby ran and ran until she was on the dark road and as she turn a car stopped she fell down and so the person came out of the car.

?: Abby?

She gasp and look up.

A: Xing Li!

Abby got up and ran to hugged him and cry Li looked at her face.

L: what happen? Why are you in the middle of the road?
A: i was kidnapped by one of his man...Li jungkook is one of them.

Li widened his eyes and then they started to get shot at li put Abby in his car and they drove away from them Abby cry in the car.

L: you didn't know?
A: no.....their coming after me li.
L: we're going to the police, they are still trying to find musang.
A: really?
L: yeah, you could help them find him.
A: okay.

They drove to the police and told them everything so the police give Abby a tracking device meanwhile Abby destroyed her phone so jungkook can't track her, then li took her home and stay with her until her aunt came home and then later she came home and Abby told her everything about the kidnapping and her boyfriend being one of them. Abby was in her room and her sunt suggested li to stay over the guest room next to abbys room. Abby got up and grab all the photos they took and throw them away she cry and looked at herself in the mirror

Abby pov: I dyed my hair back to black just for ruined the dark night jungkook.

She sob and throw more of his things away than he gifted her and later she had calm down and knocked on li's door and he was on his phone.

L; come in.

Abby open the door he got up from the bed

L; is everything okay Abby?
A: I can't sleep alone tonight can I sleep with you Xing li?

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