Chapter 5

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- Connie -

Connie stiffened by Sky's question. What the hell was she supposed to say to that? Her mouth worked but nothing came out.

Seeing her struggle, Nash clarified, "What Sky means, a bit too crudely, is that we are working on our set-list. We have placed the songs to kind of match a love story. You know, first is the crush stage, then first kiss, realizing you love someone and then unconditional love. We talked about adding a song in there that would represent the sex."

That explained why he had asked her she thought, but not what she was supposed to say. Her mouth felt dry and she picked up her water and took a couple of sips while she tried to think. It wasn't as if she was ashamed that she was a virgin, but it wasn't something she felt comfortable talking about either. Especially with these guys. Finally, she got out a simple, "I don't know."

But that wasn't enough she realized when Johnny leaned over the table with a cheeky smile, "Come on Connie, we won't tell anyone."

Shit! It didn't seem as if she had any choice. She squirmed on her chair, feeling uncomfortable as four pairs of eyes stared at her, waiting for a reply. Sky, however, looked to be more interested in the beer he was holding before she started to chew on her bottom lip and Sky's eyes seemed to get drawn to the motion. She could feel herself blushing and took a deep breath, "It's not that. I just don't know. I mean... I don't know, because..." She sighed. It would be better to just get it out there. She straightened her back and blurted, "I'm a Virgin."

Sky choked on his beer and it sprayed over the table before he started to cough. "Sorry. I did not expect that." He explained and dried his mouth with the back of his hand.


It took Connie a moment to realize that Nash's question was directed at her. "Oh..." She could feel the blush get deeper, "I'm not sure."

"It's not for religious reasons, waiting for marriage?" He added.

That would have been a great reason she thought but shook her head, "Nope. It just hasn't happened, yet I suppose."

"Don't take this the wrong way" Johnny started. "How old are you?"

"I'm twenty-four." When it seemed as he was going to ask more questions, Connie raised her hand to stop him. "Can we please talk about something else?"

"Yeah, sure." Kyle then started to talk about memories from previous tours and it didn't take long for the awkwardness to disappear. Connie watched the guys joke around and was amazed at how easy it was to talk to them and to be herself. She hadn't had much hope about it when Fiona told her to act as if they are any other group of guys. She was proud of herself for not acting all starstruck around them. After they had discussed the song choices for a while, Nash started to sing 'your song' by Elton John, in a low and almost non-conscious way, and the others joined him for an impromptu session where they were sitting in the rooftop restaurant, alone, away from the stress of the world, Connie's heart melted just a little bit. She closed her eyes and leaned back in her seat. This must be what heaven sounds like.


The next couple of weeks passed by and Connie settled in more and more each day. Her job was mostly just helping out where she was needed and at least once or twice a week she was invited to lunch or dinner with the band. Thanks to Fiona's advice she had been getting to know them on a level that she never even dreamed of. At the moment she was sitting on a couch in the small apartment Nash and Johnny had rented together to be closer to the studio, listening to Kyle's nervous rant. Tomorrow was Valentine's day and Kyle was going on his first official date with a girl he had been talking to for a while. "What if the restaurant isn't good enough?"

"If that's what she thinks, then she's not good enough for you. It shouldn't matter where you go."

Kyle looked as if he didn't believe her.

"Try to relax and enjoy the date. Whatever happens, happens.

"Are you this calm when you go on dates as well?" Kyle asked as he stopped pacing and sat down next to her.

"Most of the time anyway."

"Oh, that reminds me," Johnny peeked out from the kitchen, "Do you have any plans for tomorrow Connie? The rest of us were planning on ordering food and watch a movie here if you want to join us?"

Connie smiled; how different her life had become. "Thank you, Johnny, but I already have dinner plans."

"You do?" Sky frowned and adjusted his glasses.

Connie frowned back. He didn't have to sound so surprised about it. "Yes, I do."

"Really? with whom?"

Now she got irritated. Sure, her plans were just a Skype date with Fiona but the fact that Sky obviously couldn't see how she'd gotten a real date, was a bit insulting. Were her chances really that low? "That's actually none of your business."

Sky's frown deepened to a glare. "You're lying."

His statement felt like a slap to her face, and her mouth dropped. She wasn't the only one reacting to it. The others had gone still and were either staring at her, or at Sky. Connie could feel her eyes watering but pushed it back. She knew that she was lying, well not lying exactly. She did have a dinner date, even if it wasn't a romantic one. But that Sky believed she wasn't dateable, hurt. He had kissed her once. Even if he wasn't aware that it was her. Connie had wondered if he would have done it if he had known the person behind the mask. She guessed she had her answer now.

She sprung up from her seat and stomped to the door, before stepping out she turned around and glared at Sky, "Just because you don't see me as date-worthy, doesn't mean everyone else agrees!"

Connie slammed the door and rushed through the hallway, not bothering to wait for the elevator, she continued down the stairs. The tears she had tried to hold back started again and this time she let them fall. When she heard footsteps behind her she turned off to the floor she was on instead of continuing down. She didn't want to be confronted right now and she stayed hidden behind the wall as whoever had come after her, continued down. Connie leaned towards the wall and slumped down to the floor. Resting her head on her bent knees, she waited for what seemed as forever before she could hear the elevator move. A few moments later a door slammed closed a couple of floors above her and she forced herself to go downstairs. The rest of the day she walked without destination through the city and dodging every phone call that wasn't from Jackie.

It all started with a kissWhere stories live. Discover now