Chapter 10

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- Sky -

Sky startled awake as Johnny splashed a full glass of cold water in his face and he sat up sputtering. "What the hell!?!" He glared at the four guys that were all glaring back at him.

Nash threw a towel at him. "Yeah Sky, what the hell?"

He frowned and glanced around the room, Connie's room he realized as last night's memories came back. He had wanted to fuck her against her door and would have at least tried to do just that if someone hadn't interrupted them. He had been drunk and angry when she had pushed him inside alone and had laid down on the sofa, waiting for her to get inside, eager to continue what they had started. When he had woken a while later to the sound of running water he had walked over to the bathroom and peered inside. The vision that greeted him had been sobering. Connie had been in the shower and even if the shower doors had been frosted from her shoulders down, he could see enough.

One of her hands had been holding on to the showerhead holder and the other was aiming the shower against the v of her thighs. Her head was tilted up and her mouth was slightly opened. He had gotten painfully hard in seconds but couldn't bring himself to interrupt her. Her panting had soon escalated in pace and sound as she climaxed right in front of his eyes.

Sky had hurried back to the sofa and laid down, not wanting to get caught as if he was a peeping Tom. It had been uncomfortable, laying back down on his stomach with the erection he had but suffered through it until he knew Connie had walked back to the other side of the folding wall.

He had been furious with himself. Connie deserved her first time to be better than just being pushed up a wall for a quickie. No, Sky had made up his mind. As soon as the tour was over, he was going to ask her out on a real date. She deserved that much.

He was pulled away from his memories by Mateo. "What happened last night?"

"I don't remember." He lied and winced at Connie's expression as she came out of the bathroom. He wasn't sure if the angry glare was because of what he had done or because he said he didn't remember. But Sky didn't want to let the others know how close it had been. It was the second time he had done that to her, and he realized that he had to make it up to her. Maybe he should start dating her now instead? He didn't want the risk of drama, but he really wanted Connie. What if she didn't want to go out with him? Maybe that's why she was glaring? He would have to discuss it with the boys when he sobered more.

"I'm going to talk to Tom today about what happened and try to figure out what went wrong and make sure it won't happen again," Connie said as she slumped down on the couch. She then pulled out the schedule for the day. "Nothing much for you today, checkout in half an hour and then we'll be on the road until dinner time. A radio crew will meet us at the roadside restaurant, and you will do a quick interview for them about last night's show. Then it's back on the bus and off you go until tomorrow. Now, if you excuse me, I need to pack, and I suggest you do the same Sky."

He straightened at the stiff tone she used and nodded like a little boy. She was clearly upset, and he wished he knew why, so he could make it better. He didn't ask, just stood up, and headed to his own room.

Later that night Sky was sitting curled up in his bunk in the back of their parked tour bus and listened to the guys talking about what he had missed after he had gone home when he couldn't hold it in anymore. "I have decided to ask Connie out on a date."

His statement was met by surprised stares and he explained. "I don't really know when, but I am going to ask her."

Mateo looked doubtful, "Are you sure she would want to? I'm not sure what happened last night but she was not happy with you this morning."

"And what do you mean you don't know when?" Nash asked.

Sky sighed. "I don't know what I mean anymore. I really want her, but I really don't want the risk of drama. And no, I'm not sure she would say yes." He repeated his earlier doubts but stayed away from the subject of last night.
"Why don't you date her without her knowing?" Johnny asked and received frowns from the others.

"That would be called stalking and it's creepy," Mateo explained but Johnny persisted, - 
"Not really. I mean. Just hang out with her like we already do but instead of holding back and trying to stay friends, you treat her like if you are dating. Except for the sexual part of course. For that, you need consent. But it could take the edge off the pressure a bit."

Could that work? He would be able to show her the more romantic side of him and figuring out if she was interested in him but wouldn't risk the drama. He wasn't sure that he could stay away from the other part though.

"If you like her as much as I think you do, you could at least give it a shot," Johnny added before he rose from his bunk and walked over to the small fridge and pulled out one beer after another as the guys passed them around. "And if you notice that it actually could be something serious between you, you can always ask her out before the tour is over."

"Yeah, that way you won't break the labels wishes about official dates either. They might want Connie to take a media prep course as we did but that's easy."
Sky slumped back with Kyle's words. "That's another reason why I thought I couldn't ask her out in the first place. Remember how she told us that she could never handle the attention we receive? If we really started dating. It will absolutely end up in the press."

They were silent for a while but then Johnny shrugged, "Maybe she'll change her mind. But you might want to keep your dating a secret from everyone before you know, so you don't scare her away."

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