Chapter 15

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- Sky -

Sky and the rest of the Volt were sitting in a jeep, driving on a small country road in the highlands of Scotland. Grateful that the GPS had been invented because he was pretty sure they'd be lost by now otherwise. They were going to the place where Michael had set up the props for the video they were shooting today.

"Why does it have to be in the middle of bloody nowhere?" Johnny muttered from the passenger seat.

It felt as if they had been sitting in the car for hours. Sky was tired and grumpy. Connie had been away with Michael yesterday, helping him to prep, and this morning she had left with him early. She still hadn't mentioned that she needed to talk to him about a secret and with only today left, he doubted it would happen. He got a lump in his throat every time he thought about asking her out, knowing that there was a possibility of her saying no because of something he knew nothing about. He could always ask her about it before he asked her out, he thought as he stared out through the window. In the distance, he could see a bunch of trailers and trucks gathered and he was grateful to soon be able to stretch his body that felt stiff after sitting for so long.

It took them almost ten minutes to reach the site, and Sky jumped out as soon as the car stopped. He looked around at the scenery. The green hills seemed to stretch on for miles and the mountains reached toward the sky. It was breathtaking and he understood why they had chosen this spot.

Michael walked over to them. "Hi, guys! I hope you are ready?"

"Sure am," Nash answered as he shook Michael's hand.

Mateo looked around the set. "So, what's the plan?"

"We'll have a meeting as soon as you have changed outfits, but basically, we have created a world where dream and reality collide. We have different sets for you each in 'the real world' and then we have..." He got quiet for a second as if his mind wandered before he shook his head and continued- "a woman who will be walking around in the dream part."

"Okay." Nash nodded "Where do we change?"

An assistant came and guided them through the maze of people, cars, and trailers. They walked into a big tent without walls where folding chairs and make-up stations were set up. Next to that, a huge mirror was propped against a container.

The assistant turned to them and explained. "You can change in there." Pointing to the container. "Then you come out here for the make-up artist to do their thing, and the set is just over there.

She pointed behind them and Sky turned around. It did look like a weird dream, he thought. There was one section that was just a bed up on a hill, one section seemed to be a bunch of different-sized mirrors, one had a big table and another one was a few bookshelves filled with books. Kyle was the one pointing out what Sky had just realized. "It's only four sections?"

"No, behind the hill is an old ruin, that's the fifth section."

Before the assistant got the chance to disappear, Sky stepped toward her. "Do you know where Connie is?"

"Not really, she should be around here somewhere."

Thirty minutes later they sat in make-up while Michael and his crew described what they had envisioned. Sky's scene was the last one and he was just supposed to sit on the bed and sing. He followed the others down to Nash's mirror-set. When he got closer, he could see that the grass was almost covered in white feathers and Sky got a feeling of DeJa'Vu.

"What's with all the feathers?"

One of Michael's crew looked over his shoulder, "It's supposed to create a dreamy sensation."

Sky looked over at Mateo who was walking beside him, but Mateo only shrugged. After two hours they finally reached Sky's set and he understood why it was chosen to be the last one, it was exhausting to climb that damned hill. He was starting to get in a foul mood. With the song being played on repeat and the small feathers being picked up by the wind, it had been difficult to keep the goddess out of his mind. He didn't want her there, it made him feel guilty towards Connie. When he got a good look at his set for the first time he froze. The king-sized bed stood on top of the hill next to a single tree and with the view of the mountains in the background, it was beautiful. But that wasn't the problem. On the bed laid a messy, golden silk sheet with more of those damned white feathers on top. It was too close to his dreams to be a coincidence and he whirled at his bandmates, trying to keep his voice low he hissed at them. "This isn't funny! Who told Michael?"

By the looks on their faces, he could see that they had noticed the resemblance as well. Kyle frowned. "None of us did!"

Sky glared at them but soon relaxed. When you spend as much time together as they had done the last couple of years, you learned how to tell if one of them was lying. He could see that none of them had planned this. "So, it's all just a creepy coincidence?"

"I'm honestly not sure what's going on," Johnny said, sounding confused.

Sky was instructed to sit on the bed and then the music started to play loud and clear through the surrounding speakers. He took a deep breath and started to sing. "I've got this dream that won't go away. When I close my eyes, you're there night and day. Baby whatever it takes I've gotta find you..." His goddess appeared in his mind and his inner was in an uproar. Even if he wasn't with Connie in that way, at least not yet, he felt as if he was unfaithful. They played the song eleven more times to get it right and different angles for them to use throughout the video. When they headed back towards the tent he chuckled. "This is just too freaky."

"It's weird alright. Let's talk about something else, I'm hungry!" Johnny patted his belly.

"You're always hungry!" Sky gave him a playful push and Johnny stumbled forward, laughing.

Kyle and Nash had gone ahead of them and when he could see Nash hurrying back, white as a sheet, looking shocked as hell, Sky stopped in his tracks. "What the hell? What's wrong Nash?!"

Nash placed his hands on his shoulder and stared into his face. "Whatever you do, keep your cool! Remember she doesn't like the attention!"

Keep my cool? "What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Take a deep breath." Sky did as Nash continued. "It's Connie."

Connie is what? Was she upset? Was she hurt? He followed Nash's hand as he pointed toward the big mirror. He relaxed as he could see her standing in front of it. She wasn't hurt. Then he stiffened as he realized what he was looking at. He couldn't breathe. Her back was slightly turned so he had to look at the mirror's reflection. She was wearing a white long dress with golden hems and slits up both of her legs. It was the same dress his goddess had worn on Halloween. Her hair was curled and adorned with golden leaves that gleamed as the sun reflected on them. He met her eyes in the reflection and could see reservation in them just before one of the make-up artists placed a half-mask, covered in white feathers over her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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