Chapter 7

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- Connie -

"Is everything under control?" Jackie's voice had a tone of worry that carried through the phone's speaker. Connie was rushing around the small hotel room she had called home for the past few months, packing all her belongings.

"Yes! I have checked in their flight and the equipment is being sent overnight and is being packed in the trailers as we speak.

"And the boys are set to go? Have you arranged for drivers to take them to the airport in the morning? Johnny is always fifteen min—"

"Fifteen minutes late, I know. That is why I set them up with rooms at the airport hotel for the night. Kyle is sharing a room with Johnny as I know he will get Johnny up in time. And I told them that the plane departs thirty minutes before it actually does, so we should be good"

"Clever girl! I knew I could trust you! Grace always spoke so highly of you, so I'm not really surprised, but I am going to have to send her a thank you gift for lending you out to me. You're really a lifesaver." Jackie's praise almost made Connie glow. Jackie had left almost a week earlier and had only called once before tonight, and should be proof enough that she trusted Connie, but the words felt great to hear. "Thank you, Jackie. How is your mother doing?"

"Since the surgery got postponed, she has been feeling a bit low, but they called today and gave her a new spot on Friday. That made her happier, but now she's nervous instead."

Friday. That meant that Jackie wouldn't be reachable on the night of the Volt's first show. Now Connie got nervous.

As if Jackie had read her mind she added, "Don't worry, it'll be fine. And if things really are going to hell, call me! I will answer."

"Thank you. I will not bother you unless it's a life or death situation." Connie promised with a smile.

A buzzing was heard from her phone, letting her know that she received a new message, so she walked over to the bed where the phone was prompted. It was from Johnny and consisted of a pizza emoji and a question mark. Connie sighed, "I got to go Jackie. The boys want to be fed."

Connie tossed her bag on the passenger seat a few minutes later as she climbed in her rental car and drove off. There was a pizza place pretty close to the airport, but she headed the other way. On the other side of the town was a small family-owned restaurant and Nash had been talking about their pizza for days after they'd eaten there a few months ago. That had been the day after valentine's and the night that Sky had turned up at her room drunk as an arse. Connie wasn't sure that she was convinced, that the excuse of him being jealous because he hadn't a date on Valentine's, was true, but that was probably only because her heart didn't want it to be the reason. Sky had been hungover and grumpy the next day but after that, he had acted as if nothing had happened. It was frustrating as hell. Connie could still feel his arms around her and just the memory of his breath against her neck sent tingles through her body. She had been ready to throw away everything just to have him kiss her, touch her... But he had left her aching. As soon as he had walked through the door, she had said goodnight to Fiona and walked back into the shower. Using the pulsating water from the nozzle against her center and climaxed within seconds. What made her even more furious was that she had had the need to do that so often lately that she could barely think of a shower without getting turned on and Sky was completely oblivious.

She was still fuming thirty minutes later when she knocked on Kyle and Johnny's hotel room when Johnny opened the door and greeted her with raised eyebrows, "Who got your panties in a twist?"

Sky did, but she obviously couldn't say that out loud. Instead, she shook her head and mumbled, "Sorry, long day..."

Johnny stepped aside and Connie walked past him. The others were sitting in the small living room, but Nash stood as she walked in. He glanced down at the pizza boxes she was holding and beamed, "You went to papa's!"

"Only the best for my boys." She gave him a smile as he took the boxes and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek. She took a seat on the soft rug and watched as the guys handed out pizza before taking the plate that Mateo handed her. She guessed that they really were hungry as the first two slices were eaten in silence.

"So, Connie, are you ready for tomorrow?" Kyle asked as he handed her a third slice.

"Almost, I was planning on sorting the day plans I made. When I printed them out they got all mixed together." She reached into her bag and pulled out a thick stack of papers.

Sky grimaced, "Is all that what we are supposed to do every day?"

Connie laughed. "God no! First off, only half the papers are your; need to know, information. The second half is mine. I have at least double the information on my half as I need to know yours as well. And on each of your papers, there's information regarding at least two days."

Sky leaned back on the couch, massaging his temples, "I can just feel the stress building already."

Connie looked down at the number of papers in her hand and thought for a moment before she said. "I was planning to place them all in a folder for each of you to go through..."

Every one of the guys sighed, but Connie had pretty much counted on that and continued, "but... What if we did some sort of morning meeting instead? Nothing big and official." she added when she could see resistance in their faces. "We can have it in my room if you like, you can even still wear your pj's—"

"And if we're not wearing any?" Sky looked at her with a crooked grin.

Connie rolled her eyes, "Then put something on." He only shrugged at that and she continued. "Each night I will let you know when you should be in my room the morning after and we'll go over what you have to do that day during breakfast. And the mornings when we are on the road I will come to your bus. You won't feel stressed in the same way... I hope..."

The guys thought it over for a while and Johnny was the first to speak. "Could work..."

"We can at least try it out," Kyle added and the others nodded.

"Good!" Connie stood and started to collect the now-empty boxes and paper plates.

"Let me help you with that." Sky held out his hands and she handed him the boxes before following him to the minikitchen. As she started to unfold a garbage bag Sky leaned lazily over the counter.

"You now... For your plan about morning meetings to work out, you need to have a room on the same floor as us, we can't be seen running around in our underwear all over the hotel."

Connie stilled, with her hand halfway down in the bag she stared at him, "Shit! I didn't think about that."

He gave her a look that suggested that he already knew that, and she groaned. "I have to call every single hotel and see if they can make some changes."

He only nodded and Connie got the feeling that there was something he wasn't telling her.


Sky shrugged as he straightened and started to walk back to the others. But when he was just behind her he leaned into her ear. His chest felt warm against her back and Connie shivered at the sensation of having him so close again. She was in desperate need of one of those showers, she realized as his breath fanned her ear and he whispered. "If your room is so close, maybe we can dance again?"

It all started with a kissWhere stories live. Discover now