Chapter 9

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- Connie -

It was just after midnight when Connie finally walked inside the hotel lobby. She had changed her shoes to flats about halfway through the show and was carrying her high heels in one hand and holding her bag with the other. Everything had gone as planned tonight and after talking to Jackie she had been able to relax even more. Jackie's mother had gone through with the surgery without any complications and they were told she would be recovering in no time.

As Connie headed for the elevator, she could see that someone was laying in one of the small couches. She scowled; damned fans. Where was Henry? It was his job to make sure that this wouldn't happen. She looked around but couldn't see anyone else, and she sighed. It would be up to her to make the person leave. What if the person was going to be aggressive? She took a deep breath and started to walk. Only one way to find out.

When she got closer, she realized that the sleeping man looked familiar. "Sky?!" When she got no response from him, she shook him, first gently, but when that didn't seem to do the trick, she used more force. "Sky! What the hell are you doing down here?!"

He sat abruptly and seemed to sway a bit before he opened one eye and grimaced at her. "Connie?"

"Why are you sleeping in the lobby?! Are you insane?"

He looked around the room bewildered for a moment before he met her stare. "Oh right, no key..."

Connie sighed. She started to dig through her purse to find her phone, she was calling Henry to find out where the hell he was and get him to open Sky's room for him. It took her a moment to find it amongst all the things she had tossed down her bag, as she had left the venue, but finally got it out. Dead. Of course, it would be, she groaned. "Where's your phone Sky?"

He only shrugged.

Dammit! "Okay, come with me. I need to put my phone in the charger so we can get you to bed." Connie held her hands out and helped Sky to his feet and steadied him as he stumbled before starting to walk towards the elevators again. They rode up to their floor in silence and walked down the hallway to Connie's room. When she stopped outside her door to rummage through her bag again, this time to find the key card, she was so aware of having him behind her that when he started to lean into her back, she thought that she was imagining it, and it took a second for her to find her voice. "Sky? Are you alright?"

The heat radiating from his body made her shiver and he pressed even closer. One of his hands removed the hair from the side of her neck and his breath felt damp over her skin as he leaned in and sniffed. "You smell so good, Connie." When his tongue licked her sensitive skin, she arched her back instinctively and he groaned into her ear as he grabbed her hips and pressed her to him. The feeling of his erection against her ass made her sober enough to clear her throat.

"Sky... We shouldn't... "She lost her breath as he rubbed himself against her and took her earlobe in his mouth, sucking gently. Her knees felt weak and she had to steady herself against the door to keep standing. The sound of a door opening and then closing, further down the hall, felt as if a bucket of cold water had been dumped on her and she stiffened. She started searching through her bag again, found the key card, opened the door, and pushed Sky inside just in time for Amelia to walk around the corner. Amelia oversaw lights and sound on stage and had been the last one from the ordinary crew at the venue.

Connie closed the door quietly as she greeted her. Amelia smiled but then frowned. "Why aren't you in bed already?"

Connie really hoped that her face looked as neutral as she willed it to be, and shrugged, "I was talking to Jackie and time just flew by. Then I got hungry, so I stopped for a burger on the way here."

Amelia didn't look convinced and Connie decided to change the topic. "Everything okay with the equipment?"

It seemed to help, as Amelia relaxed more and nodded, "Yeah they're packing it in the trucks right now and will be ready to head out in the morning." They talked about the success of the night's show for a few more minutes before Connie faked a yawn and excused herself. She wasn't sure where Sky would be, so she only opened the door enough for her to squeeze through and shut the door after her. She leaned her back against the door and gave a deep sigh. The silence of the room almost felt eerie when she knew that she wasn't alone. She crept forwards, not sure why she was trying to be silent. Her room had a small hallway that went into a huge room with a queen-sized bed in the far corner, sectioned off from the living room area with decorative folding walls. The sofa was a beautiful chestnut Chesterfield, and in it, Sky was lying face down, sleeping.

Connie's shoulders slumped in defeat and she walked around the folding wall and put her phone in the charging station by her bed before walking back and staring at the now snoring man. How could he sleep? She was still feeling as if she was burning up from the way he had touched her just a few minutes ago. She grunted as another snore escaped him. Stomping to the dresser she pulled out new, clean underwear and her pajama set before heading into the bathroom. She was pretty sure that Sky would be out for the night and she had an itch that she hoped the shower could soothe.

Connie felt as if she had barely fallen asleep when there was a frantic knock on her door. She sat up in her bed, looked at her phone to see it was almost eleven, and grunted. This was going to be a very long day she thought bitterly as she walked across the room to open the door where Nash stood, a worried expression on his face.

"Morning Connie. I can't find Sky! I went to his room to check if he was ready to go but he didn't answer..." He carried on and Connie tried to follow his rambling. "Then I remembered that I had his key, so I went back to my room and got it, but he's not in there." Nash talked so fast it was giving her a headache and she massaged her temples

"We should call security" He continued as the other members of the band gathered outside her door.

Kyle frowned. "What's going on?"

"Sky is missing."


Connie's head felt as if it was going to explode, and she raised her hands to silence them. "He's not missing." She turned around and walked back inside her room with the boys right at her heel and gestured to the sofa where Sky was still laying, face down. "I found him sleeping in the lobby last night. I couldn't just leave him there."

Nash blew out a deep breath and relaxed noticeably. "Thank God you were the one who found him!" Connie had thought so too but after the night she had, she wasn't so sure she could agree anymore. The shower had only been a short relief for her. As soon as she had laid her head down to sleep, all the memories came crashing in, the kiss he had given her, unknowing who she was, the dancing alone in her room, and then last night. Connie had ended up tossing and turning for hours. She only nodded to Nash's comment however and turned around. "See if you can wake him up, I need to get dressed."

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