CHAPTER I - The New Guy

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Junkyu has dreams. People take a look at his body and face and already want to figure out his future. But his whole life, nothing ever comes easy to him. Which is why he find himself taking this big jump, risking the comfort of his home to a new adventure.

Seoul seemed like a whole other world compared to Chungju, but he had been expecting that. It wasn't like it was a complete shock, just a surprise. If he was good at anything it was taking things and rolling with them. Which was exactly what he planned to do as long as things didn't get too weird.

The bus he was on smelled and was uncomfortably crowded. Standing next to him, there was this young guy that kept reaching for his bag. Of course every time he looked over the guy would be turned the other way, but he knew it was him. That was why he let out a small sigh of relief when the bus came to a stop at his stop. He adjusted his bag and headed for the door as quickly as he could. Only glancing over his shoulder once to make sure the little thief guy didn't follow him.

It only took a moment for him to locate the building that he was looking for. He took in a deep breath before pulling the door open and stepping inside. The place was a lot bigger and a lot better looking than the little shop he had worked in back home.

"Can I help you?" A guy who looked like he was in his twenties asked, looking up at him from where he was sweeping the floor.

"Umm yeah, I'm looking for Haruto," Junkyu replied, taking the chance to look around the pretty much empty studio.

"He's in the back. Just take the hallway all the way back and then it's the first door on the right, make sure you knock."

"Okay, thanks." The guy had already gone back to cleaning the floor so Junkyu didn't bother to say anything else to him. He headed down the hallway and knocked on the door. When he heard a muffled, "It's open," he pushed the door open and stepped inside.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah, I'm looking for Haruto and the guy out front said he was back here so I'm guessing you're him?"

"Yep, that'd be me. Who are you?"

"I'm Junkyu, Seunghoon said you were looking for a new artist." Junkyu went to offer Haruto his hand but then pulled it back when he realized Haruto couldn't shake it. Well, he could have but then he would have needed to change his gloves plus he was working. It had taken Junkyu that much to realize that he had a client.

"Seunghoon had a lot of good things to say about you and I am looking for a new artist. Just give me a few to finish up here and then I'll give you a tour. This is Dobby by the way," Haruto said, motioning to the girl who was laying stretched out on the table while Haruto worked on her back.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." Junkyu did offer Dobby his hand and then shook her hand when she took his with a surprisingly strong grip.

"It's nice to meet you too. I'm sure we'll be getting to know each other better," Dobby said, pushing herself up and readjusting her shirt once Haruto had taped up her back. "I better get back to work now, I'll see you around."

Junkyu offered her a little smile as she left the room and then he turned his attention back to Haruto, who smiled at him.

It was a really good thing that Junkyu had a rule about dating or fucking people he worked with because Haruto was pretty damn close to being his perfect type. That rule wasn't really a good thing right now, considering how damn attractive his new boss is, but it'd keep him from getting fired later on.

Well, maybe not keep him from getting fired at all, at least it wouldn't be for messing up their relationship...

Relationship? He knows the guys for a while 2 minutes, they have no relationship to mess up with.

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