CHAPTER XII - Pool Party

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Junkyu was texting on his phone back and forth with Haruto while he sat next to Dobby’s bed in hospital. Jihoon was actually better at the whole ‘coaching’ thing than he was, so Junkyu just let him take over that. He was more than happy to be in charge of ice chip runs and finding calming songs on Spotify to play. Well, that and keeping Dobby up to date on where Junghwan was right now, which was currently waiting for the plane at the airport. So Junkyu really wasn’t holding out hope that they’d be here before Dobby actually had the baby.

After arriving at the maternity wing, the nurses clocked Dobby contractions and after finding that she still had a while to go, they run some exams in her to see the status of the baby. Thankfully, everything seemed fine and the baby had just decided to arrive early.

“Where’s Junghwan now?” Dobby asked, hitting a button on the bed controller and making it sit up a little more.

“He’s waiting for the flight with Haruto and Hyunsuk. It’ll still be a while until they get here.” Junkyu replied, looking up from screen of his phone to smile over at Dobby.

“Okay,” Dobby sighed, rubbing a hand over her stomach around the monitors they had hooked up to it. “Jaehyuk and Asahi still blacklisted?” She asked with a little smile.

“Yeah,” Junkyu shook his head, laughing a softly. “Haruto said they couldn’t get a flight back, so they’re gonna come by train tomorrow. Oh and Junghwan was sharing a room with them.”

“I’m sure he loved that,” Dobby said, hissing out a breath when another contraction hit her.

“Haruto said he ended up letting Junghwan have the couch in his room he was sharing with Hyunsuk just so he didn’t have to listen to him whining.” Junkyu offered Dobby another smile and Dobby offered a weak one in response.

Jihoon snorted a laugh and lifted the wet cloth one of the nurses had left to wipe down Dobby’s forehead. “I’d be more afraid to room with Hyunsuk than Jaehyuk and Asahi if I was him.”

“You know that’s not true, Hyunsuk’s too sweet,” Dobby replied, shifting around on the bed in an attempt to find a more comfortable position, not that it was really possible right now.

“Yeah,” Jihoon mumbled, giving Dobby’s hand a little squeeze.

Junkyu went back to talking to Haruto and let Jihoon do his thing, since he really didn’t know what he was doing with that. Most of their messages were fairly pointless, like Haruto just said: I’m wearing the pink boxers u bought me. And Junkyu’s response was: You’re such a dork. Real amazing stuff, right? It didn’t really matter to Junkyu though, since it was keeping him occupied. Plus it made him look busy when the nurse came in; the nurse that had hit on him earlier until Jihoon told her Junkyu was married. She had still slipped Junkyu her number.

“How are you doing?” Sooyun--the nurse-- asked, moving around the bed and checking the various monitors Dobby was hooked up too.

“I’m ready to be done,” Dobby mumbled, breathing in deep as the last of her contraction faded off and she gave Jihoon’ hand another squeeze before letting it go.

“Well, from the looks of things you’re almost there. I think you might just have this baby before midnight, it’ll be a lucky birthday for him,” Sooyun said, making a few notes on Dobby’s chart before clipping it to the foot of the bed again.

“Great,” Dobby muttered, not really caring if he had a ‘lucky’ birthday or not. She just wanted him to have one sooner rather than later.

“Alright, I’ll send the doctor in to check on you in about an hour,” Sooyun continued, still smiling just as brightly and completely ignoring Dobby’s mood. “If you need anything before then just send one of these gorgeous boys out to find us or hit the call button.” With that she left the room, pulling the door shut behind her.

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