CHAPTER XIII - Bottles up

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“What?” Jihoon asked again, still not looking up from the guy’s back piece he was currently working on.

Hyunsuk stepped into the room and pushed the door closed behind himself before moving over to where Jihoon was working. “Jihoon, stop working on that and look at me. I’m not going to have you panicking when I tell you this and you fuck up what you’re working on.”

“Fine,” Jihoon muttered, finishing off the line he had been working on and then straightening up and looking over his shoulder at Hyunsuk. “What’s so important?”

“We need to go to the hospital,” Hyunsuk replied, trying to put emphasis into ‘hospital’ and hoping Jihoon would catch on, of course he didn’t.

“Why? Are you sick or something?” 

“No, do I look sick or something?”

“Nah, you’ve kinda got that 'I just for laid' going on though.” Jihoon smirked and winked at Hyunsuk while the guy that Jihoon was working on let out a little laugh.

“Whatever. Back to what I was saying we need to go to the hospital,” Hyunsuk repeated and Jihoon kept right on staring at him like he was crazy. He shook his head and moved in even closer, dipping his head and getting in so close that his lips actually brushed Jihoon’ ear as he whispered, “Julle’s sister called, you’re a dad, I’m a dad, just thought you might want to go see our babies with me.” Then he straightened back up and headed out the door, knowing Jihoon would follow him.

Jihoon just watched him go with his mouth hanging open. The guy he had been working on shifted in front of him and pulled him out of his little trance. “I um, I have to go. I’ll send someone else in to finish this for you,” he said, quickly climbing to his feet and grabbing his bag from the other chair before heading out the door.

“Hyunsuk wait for me,” Jihoon called out, walking as fast as he could to catch up with Hyunsuk.

Hyunsuk stopped at the wall in the front, leaning a hip against it while he waited for Jihoon to catch up. “I’m not going to leave you,” he said, running a soothing hand down over Jihoon’ chest and stomach when he caught up.

“Let me just,” Jihoon said, waving a hand at where Junkyu and Haruto were standing by the front desk. Hyunsuk just nodded and let him go, toying with the strap on his bag while he waited for Jihoon to get Junkyu to take over his client for him.

“Jihoon said you’re sick,” Haruto said, coming over to stand in front of Hyunsuk and ducking down a little to get a better look at Hyunsuk.

Hyunsuk shot a look across the room at Jihoon, who just shrugged and mouthed ’sorry’, at him. “Oh umm yeah. I just like having him around when I’m not feeling well. You don’t mind, right?”

“Nah, go ahead. Give me a call if you need anything. Junkyu’s even managed to teach me to make soup, so maybe I’ll bring you some for dinner,” Haruto replied, pulling Hyunsuk forward into a hug before letting him go and grinning at Hyunsuk in a way that almost had him caving.

“Thanks, that sounds really good. Just give me a call later, but we should go now.” Hyunsuk waved at Haruto as Jihoon grabbed his hand and started pulling him towards the door. “I can’t believe you made me lie to Haruto,” he muttered as soon as they were outside.

“Sorry, but it was for a good cause.” Jihoon patted Hyunsuk on the chest before giving him a small shove towards the passenger side of the car.


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