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Junkyu discovered that Haruto loved cuddling.

That was how things went, Junkyu sleeping with Haruto curled around him, for the next two months. Haruto’s nightmares started to hit and miss after the first few nights. The first night without one Haruto woke up a little disoriented, but then just went with it. More than grateful for the break and the ability to actually be able to sleep through the night.

Junkyu tried to think more times than he could count if his thing with Haruto made any sense and he discovered that it really didn't. But after he understood that he didn't have to explain what he and Haruto had to anyone he realized that he didn't care if they had an unconventional friendship. 

It worked for both of them. Neither was ready for a relationship, but both were willing to have someone beside them making the nights less lonely. Haruto helped Junkyu a lot in settling in Seoul. So it's not like it was a selfless act from Junkyu to be used as a hugging pillow every night. He liked this deal between them.

So tonight was the premier of Junkyu’s drama, well his first role in a drama, and this was his first episode on it. Haruto had let it slip that it was on tonight and then Dobby had gone around telling everyone that they were all watching it at Haruto’s place, so here they were.

Junkyu had somehow ended up on the couch squished between Haruto and Jihoon with Hyunsuk on the other side of Jihoon. Asahi, Jaehyuk and Dobby had the loveseat while Junghwan had claimed the armchair for himself.

“Dude, they pay you to kiss with that girl?” Jaehyuk asked, leaning forward in his seat a little in an attempt to get a better look at the girl the on-screen Junkyu was currently on top of.

“Umm it’s just acting, but yeah,” Junkyu mumbled, combing his fingers through his hair before tipping his soju bottle up to his lips. He took a long pull while he tried to ignore what was happening on the TV.

“She’s pregnant, man,” Junghwan said, sounding more than a little disturbed by that fact when the on-screen Junkyu was still kissing the girl.

“Uh oh, Dobby you better watch out if Junghwan here doesn’t know where babies come from.” Jihoon clucked his tongue at Junghwan before beaming him in the head with one of the pillows from the couch.

“I know-”

“Shh both of you I’m trying to watch this,” Dobby cut in before Junghwan could say anything else, but he did throw the pillow back at Jihoon.

Junkyu took another long pull from his drink and rolled his eyes at the fact that they had all gone back to watching just in time to see him shirtless. He ignored Jihoon’s ’nice abs’ comment and Junghwan’s ‘damn that’s more than I ever wanted to see‘. What he couldn’t exactly ignore was Haruto’s hand squeezing his thigh, even though it was just a fleeting touch.

“Wait, what kind of guy keeps guns hidden in his oven?” Asahi asked, barely getting the question out before Dobby clamped a hand over his mouth and shushed him.

“Dude, what the hell just happened?” Hyunsuk asked, pausing the episode to Dobby's protest. It was pretty obvious that was the question on everyone’s mind, but Hyunsuk had just gotten his mouth to work first.

“Oh, I forgot to mention he’s not exactly human. Well, he is human just has these like powers that’s why they took his wife. They want the baby or something.” Junkyu shrugged and reached for a handful of pretzels from the bowl on the coffee table.

“I think we kind of got the not completely human thing when he pulled a bullet out of his chest like it was nothing,” Jihoon said, patting Junkyu’s leg before reaching for a beer and taking a long pull. “This is real good. You gonna leave us when you’re all famous and shit?”

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