CHAPTER XIV - Hyunsuk and Jihoon

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“Sorry I’m late, but the guy I was working on decided to change his tattoo like halfway through it. I managed to pull it off, and make it look good, but it took me twice as long to finish the damn thing,” Hyunsuk apologized, dropping into the chair next to Jihoon with a relieved sigh as he leaned over to press a kiss to Jihoon’ lips. “You know how much longer it’s going to be?”

“Nah, they haven’t said anything to me other than to wait over here. So I guess it’s fine that you’re late, at least you didn’t have to sit here reading about breastfeeding and pregnancy with me. Like it’d really be too much to ask to have some other magazines in here.” Jihoon huffed out a breath and scrubbed his hand over his face before leaning forward to peek into the stroller in front of him. “At least they’re sleeping still.”

“That’s good.” Hyunsuk settled back in his seat and set his bag on the chair next to him before pulling Jihoon’ hand over to rest on his leg with his own.

They sat and waited in a comfortable silence for a little while, shoulders pressed together and Hyunsuk’s fingers curled around Jihoon’. That was how they were sitting when a little girl, that couldn’t be more than four, came wondering over to them. She leaned back against the little coffee table in front of Jihoon’ chair and just watched them until Jihoon smiled at her.

“I’m Grace, who’re you?” She asked, taking a small step away from the table and moving towards Jihoon when her mom came over and took a seat in one of the other chairs.

“Gracey don’t bother them,” the little girl’s mom said, leaning forward in her chair to try and pull Grace back but Jihoon shook his head.

“Nah it’s fine. I’m Jihoon and this is Hyunsuk,” Jihoon replied, smiling at Grace and getting him an amused little sound from Hyunsuk.

“Who’s in there?” Grace asked, moving over to the stroller and poking at one of the canopy’s that was pulled up over the twins.

“Our babies, Sunhee and Yejoon,” Hyunsuk replied, smiling at Grace, but she just moved over a little closer to Jihoon.

“Oh.” Grace moved in a little closer and poked at the tattoo on Jihoon’ forearm with her hand that wasn’t in a cast. “Who did that?”

“Hyunsuk did it, he likes drawing on people,” Jihoon replied, turning his arm over to show Grace that the tattoo went all the way around. Hyunsuk just let out a little laugh as he rolled his eyes and scooted down in his seat a little more.

“Can I have one? You can put it on here,” Grace asked, holding out her arm that had a fresh white cast on it.

“If your mama says it’s okay I can put something pretty on there for ya,” Jihoon said, raising a brow at Grace’s mom, who just nodded with a little smile.

“That’ll be fine, thanks,” she said, giving Jihoon another smile before going back to looking at her magazine.

“There’s markers in my bag,” Hyunsuk said, pushing himself up when one of the babies started to cry. He pushed back the canopy and unfastened Yejoon’s carrier, lifting him out. Yejoon stopped crying almost as soon as he was settled against Hyunsuk’s chest. Hyunsuk grabbed Yejoon’s pacifier from the diaper bag and then took a seat on the other side of Jihoon since Grace had taken his seat when he got up.

“Is he okay?” Jihoon asked, taking a break from digging for the markers in Hyunsuk’s bag to press a kiss to Yejoon’s temple.

“Yeah, he’s just fine,” Hyunsuk replied, soothing his hand over Yejoon’s back and humming a little as he bounced him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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