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“Oh well look who decided to show up. Did you get worn out last night, sweet cheeks? Maybe oversleep a bit,” Jihoon asked, slapping Junkyu on the back as soon as Junkyu stepped through the door of the shop. Junkyu jumped, a small groan breaking past his lips at the touch and Jihoon pulled his hand back almost as if he’d been burned. “Sorry, man I didn’t mean to hurt ya.”

Junkyu shook his head and dropped his bag on the table before rolling his shoulder a little. “It’s okay. My trainer was just ‘breaking me in this morning. I think he was trying to break every bone in me.” Junkyu laughed a little as he pulled out a heating patch for his shoulder.

“You trying to get into shape so you’ll be as pretty as the rest of us?” Jihoon teased but after Junkyu’s third failed attempt to place the patch correctly, he pushed his hands away and helped Junkyu pull the shirt free. Junkyu gave up and let him help and then passed him the patch for his shoulder.

“Yeah, that’s what it’s all about is being pretty.” Junkyu snorted a laugh which quickly turned into a hiss when Jihoon pushed the patch down against his shoulder.

“I see your training session went well,” Haruto said coming up behind them and making Junkyu jump a bit in surprise before he turned around.

“I spent three hours getting my ass kicked by the guy that was supposed to be teaching me. Oh yeah, I think it went really well,” Junkyu replied sarcasm dripping from every word as he tried to pull his shirt on again. It was then that Junkyu realized Haruto wasn’t meeting his eyes, wasn’t even looking at him.

Haruto nodded and passed Junkyu the piece of paper he had carried over with him. There was something off about him, but Junkyu didn’t know what was wrong. He was being cold and distant like last night and this morning hadn’t even happened. 

Junkyu tried to think about if he had something this morning to cause this, but he couldn't come up with anything. Maybe last night just didn’t mean anything to him. All of it was just a drunk one-night.

“You’ve got three appointments set up for today. The first one should be here in about twenty minutes and then the rest of the times are written down there,” Haruto explained while Junkyu looked over the piece of paper Haruto had handed him. “I’m going to be out for most of the day, so if you need anything just ask Jihoon or Hyunsuk.”

“Okay, umm thanks,” Junkyu replied in a way that made it sound more like a question than a statement. He didn’t wait around for an answer though. Just grabbed up his bag and shirt and headed for his little area, closing the door behind him.

 “So I take it things aren’t going so good between you two,” Jihoon said, poking Haruto in the side a bit harder than would be considered a friendly manner.

“Things are fine,” Haruto muttered, taking a small step back so that Jihoon couldn’t poke him in the side again.

Jihoon shook his head and stepped forward to poke Haruto in the side again. He kept moving forward until he had Haruto trapped back against the table and then he just stood there looking at him for a moment. It all clicked into place then and he shook his head again, shoving at Haruto’s chest.

“Okay, tell me what happened or I’m gonna go get Hyunsuk and you know that won’t be good,” Jihoon threatened with a little quirk of his lips before shoving at Haruto’s chest again.

Haruto let out a long breath and ran his fingers through his hair. Jihoon shoved at his chest again and he glared down at him, but only got a grin in response. “He stayed the night,” he said finally like that explained everything and really it did, to him anyway.

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