CHAPTER VII - Unwanted Guest

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Haruto hated doing paperwork, but today he kind of liked it since it gave him something to do. Dobby was out for an appointment and so he was stuck out front covering for her. He probably could have had someone else cover for her, but he wasn't really looking to lose clients as the rest of the staff, aside from Hyunsuk, weren't exactly people friendly.

The bell above the door chimed and Haruto looked up from his paperwork with a little smile. His smile quickly fell away when he saw who it was. He found himself extremely grateful that it was Thursday and Junkyu wouldn't be around today.

"Can I help you?" Haruto asked, standing up and leaning forward to rest his elbows on the counter in front of him.

"Yeah, I'm looking for Junkyu," Yeseo replied with a forced smile that really didn't do anything to put Haruto at ease.

"He's not here, today's his day off." Haruto shrugged, not even attempting to return Yeseo's smile. He didn't even begin to like her and that was just coming from the tiny bit that Junkyu had told him about her. There was just an uneasy feeling he got, making him not even begin to trust her.

"Oh well. I don't think we were properly introduced last time, I'm Yeseo, Junkyu's girlfriend." Yeseo said before bowing to Haruto, which Haruto reluctantly returned. His mom had raised him right after all and he wasn't going to be rude.

"I know who you are, you're Junkyu's ex-girlfriend. I'm Haruto and I own this shop, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't come in here trying to start something with Junkyu again," Haruto replied emotionlessly.

"Sounds like Junkyu's been talking about me again. I'm surprised you'd want someone like him working here anyway. He's not as sweet and pure as he likes to pretend he is," Yeseo commented, rocking back on her heels a little as she slipped her hands into her pockets.

"Not that it's any of your business, but Junkyu has never given me any reason for me not to want him working here. Now if you wouldn't mind, I have things to do." Haruto tipped his head towards the door before turning his attention back to the paperwork he had been working on when she came in.

Yeseo snorted in disbelief, pulling her hands out of her pockets and placing them on the counter. "You don't really know him and I doubt anyone would want to come here if they knew someone like him was working here."

"What do you mean 'someone like him'?" It was a question that Haruto knew he was going to regret before the words even left his mouth, but he couldn't resist. There were times when he really did wonder if he was crazier than he had thought.

"A lying no good gay," Yeseo replied with a little halfway shrug, tapping her fingers against the counter top.

Haruto wasn't impressed.

"Well, in case you haven't noticed this is Seoul, not some little country town. I'm not gonna deny him a job over some shitty reason like that, and especially not because he happens to be gay," Haruto muttered, combing his fingers through his hair and mentally counting to ten. He really had no idea how Junkyu could be friends with this woman.

"I get it you have a thing for him. I bet he just drops to his knees whenever he wants something I've heard he's pretty talented. I'm sure that's how he got his job out here and probably the only reason why you gave him a job here. You liked his pretty face, right? A lot of the guys back home liked him too," Yeseo said, either not picking up on or choosing to ignore the way Haruto's fists were clenching as she spoke.

It took every ounce of self control Haruto had not to smack her in her stupid, bleached, blonde head. He bit the inside of his lip to keep from saying anything before he got himself under control. Jaehyuk came down the hallway a few seconds later, so he called him over. For the most part Jaehyuk was a bit unpredictable, but Haruto knew he could handle Yeseo, probably even better than Haruto could right now, considering he was still on the verge of hitting her.

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