CHAPTER X - Fruit Salad

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Junkyu lay stretched out on the sheet they had brought down from their room. The sun was shining, heating a path across his skin while the light breeze from the ocean kept him from over heating. It was actually pretty nice, even with his worry over burning. Haruto didn't feel like sunbathing so he didn't have to worry about keeping a steady flow of sun block application going. Junkyu on the other hand would be lobster red if Haruto wasn’t applying it for him every so often.

“Hey Junkyu, are you gonna get your pretty little ass up anytime soon? You’ll burn less if you get up,” Haruto called from his place under a parasol a few feet away.

“Fine,” Junkyu mumbled, pushing himself up off of the sheet and moving over to where Haruto was doing something with a surf board. “What’re you doing?”

“Waxing my board, dude,” Haruto replied in an over exaggerated surfer accent, making Junkyu laugh a little as he kneeled next to him. “I’m gonna teach you how to surf.”

“Really?” Junkyu asked, eyeing Haruto and the board suspiciously as he scooted in a little closer to Haruto.

“Yeah, well, I’m going to teach you to surf as much as I can. We’ll probably just end up floating out there for a bit, but it’ll be better than sitting up here.” Haruto looked up at Junkyu with a wide grin, reaching out a hand to grab the back of Junkyu’s head and then pulled him into a kiss.

“Mm what was that for?” Junkyu mumbled, breaking away from the kiss with a raised brow, not that he really minded.

Haruto tipped his head towards the group of girls that were laying out on towels a few feet away from them. When Haruto and Junkyu arrived the beach was dessert, but now they have the company of this group of girls. They were all giggling as they snuck looks at them and Junkyu rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to Haruto.

“You’re cute when you’re jealous.” Junkyu leaned in and caught Haruto’s lips in another quick kiss before sitting back on his heels while Haruto went back to waxing the board, muttering about not being jealous.

“So surfing, yeah? I didn’t even know you could surf,” Junkyu said, pulling them back to the topic at hand.

“It’s not that I really surf, but I like trying. After I got back to where I was walking again after the accident Jaehyuk and Asahi dragged me out to the beach every chance they had. They knew I was trying to get back into shape and so Jaehyuk suggested surfing. At first I could only float out there on the board with Jaehyuk or Asahi, but eventually I worked my stamina back up and I was able to paddle out on my own. Now I can actually catch a wave or two, but I still have to keep myself in check,” Haruto explained, pushing himself to his feet and then offering Junkyu his hand and pulling him to his feet.

It wasn’t that Junkyu didn’t realize how bad Haruto’s accident had been and how much he had to deal with after. He just kind of forgot that from time to time, especially when Haruto was standing in front of him, whole and perfect. Junkyu’s arms wrapped around Haruto’s waist and he had his face tucked in against the side of Haruto’s neck before he even realized he was moving.

“Junkyu, you okay?” Haruto murmured, lips brushing the shell of Junkyu’s ear as he ran his hand up and down Junkyu’s back.

“Yeah, just like making sure you’re whole,” Junkyu mumbled, nuzzling in a little closer. Haruto tipped his head back and laughed, shaking Junkyu with the force of it.

“Come on you can make sure I’m whole later, right now I wanna get in the water before the sun gets hotter.” Haruto gave Junkyu a little squeeze before taking a small step back so that he could get to Junkyu’s face. He pressed a kiss to Junkyu’s lips and then moved over to pick up the surf board and started towards the water. “Let’s go Shorty, I’m gonna show you how it’s done.”

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