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As Haruto and Junkyu fixed themselves to go to work, they decided they were going to make the thing between them more private. The guys at the shop were Haruto's friends, sure, (and Junkyu was starting to feel like they were also his own friends) but they also loved to tease and be noisy. So they decided that it would be best for them to go in separately and for Haruto to go in first.

But arriving first, Haruto couldn't help but feel like he had been left to the lions all alone. It might have been a bit dramatic, but considering the way everyone usually came after him for information it seemed fitting.

Sure enough as soon as Haruto stepped through the door the questions started. Jihoon blocked his way before he could get to his office and even Junghwan started in on him.

Sometimes he wondered if they ever thought this shit through or if they just randomly decided to throw whoever was around in his way.

"So what happened last night?" Jihoon asked, leaning back against the wall and completely blocking Haruto in.

"Nothing," Haruto replied with a little shrug. There was no way in hell he was going to give them all of the details, plus it was kind of fun to watch them squirm. Also he wanted to keep his and Junkyu's agreement about their relationship.

"Nothing happened last night?! Oh my god...You are taking it glacial slow uh? And..." Junghwan cut himself off when Haruto smacked him in the back of the head.

"Shut up," Haruto snapped, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at Junghwan before taking a quick look around the shop.

"Hey-" Junghwan tried, but Haruto cut him off by lifting his hand and shaking his head.

"No." Haruto sighed and turned so that he was facing everyone. "Okay, everyone listen up," he said, waving his hand a little at Jaehyuk, Asahi, Hyunsuk and Dobby that were standing over by the desk. "Anyone that bothers me or Junkyu about what did or did not happen last night is going to be put into their own place. We're not on high school here, got it?"

Haruto was met by several, 'yes's' and one or two 'whatever's' before he headed down the hall to his office. It only took everyone a few seconds after he was gone for them to start plotting a way to ignore Haruto's threat, not even if he tried to fire them over it. None of them really believed that Haruto would follow through on it. He couldn't run the shop with just Junkyu, so they were pretty much safe.

"So Hyunsuk gets Junkyu, right? I mean you're the only one that Junkyu is a bit afraid of," Asahi said, leaning back against the front desk while he twisted one of the spikes in his wrist. Jaehyuk still wouldn't let him take the damn things out. The one time he had taken them out on his own Jaehyuk had just put them right back in, he really needed to work on the whole 'no' thing.

"I'm not getting involved in this. You guys want to act like a bunch of over interested teenagers then go ahead, but I'm not going to be a part of it," Hyunsuk replied, smacking away Jihoon' hand when he grabbed his waist.

"C'mon, baby, you know you want to help us. The sooner we all find out the sooner we'll leave them alone and find something else to do with our time," Jihoon tried, tossing his arm around Hyunsuk's shoulders and trying to persuade him to do things his way with a grin.

"Why don't you guys just do your damn jobs and leave it at that?" Hyunsuk shot right back, stepping out from under Jihoon' arm and heading down the hall before they could stop him.

"I'm starting to think all gay men are old ladies who likes to gossip" Junghwan muttered, earning him a smack in the ass from Asahi.

"Boy, you might want to check your audience before you say something like that," Jihoon said, giving Junghwan a butt pinch before following after Hyunsuk.

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