CHAPTER VI - The Photographer

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The next morning Junkyu woke up with his alarm, breathing a small sigh of relief when Haruto slept through it. He quickly got up and got dressed trying not to make too much noise. Unlike other mornings, he didn't wake Haruto up to tell him he was leaving, only this time he pressed a small kiss to his temple. Then he fed Ruby on his way out, so she wouldn’t bother Haruto until later.

It was just like any other day, except for the fact that he had realized he was in fact falling in love with Haruto. With a small sigh he climbed into the car. He had the whole day to get his emotions in check and that was what he planned to do. 

Everything went as planned, for the most part anyway. They ended up needing him for a few extra scenes so he had to stay later than normal. Which meant he didn’t get back to Haruto’s place until well after midnight and the house was already dark. He changed his clothes and climbed into the bed with a tired sigh, smiling a little when Haruto automatically reached for him.

“Hey,” Haruto whispered, blinking into the darkness in an attempt to see Junkyu. He only managed to see just the faintest bit of his profile, but it was enough.

“Hey, sorry I didn’t mean to wake you,” Junkyu whispered back, turning over onto his side and inserting one of his legs between Haruto’s.

“Mmm s’okay, I was trying to wait up for you anyway.”


“Yeah, I wanted to tell you it’s all set up for the photo shoot tomorrow.”

“Hmm good, thank you. You tell the guys ‘bout it?”

“Dobby did, so they’ll probably find some reason to be there.”

“Okay, I kinda figured that would happen.” Junkyu couldn’t help but smile around his yawn as he tucked his face in against Haruto’s neck. It was nice to know some thing’s were still predictable.

“Get some sleep,” Haruto murmured, lifting his hand to Junkyu’s head and then pulling it back before touching Junkyu’s head again. “Dude, what happened to your hair?”

“They trimmed it short,” Junkyu replied around another yawn, lifting his own hand to scratch at his now short hair. “I didn’t know they were actually going to give an undercut until a few minutes before a scene.”

“That kinda sucks,” Haruto mumbled, more to himself than to Junkyu as he lifted his hand to Junkyu’s hair again. He ran his palm over the back of Junkyu’s head, feeling the soft prickle of the shorter hair, and then ran his fingers through the longer hair near Junkyu’s face. “Get some sleep, only got a few hours before you gotta be up.”

“Yeah,” Junkyu murmured, just before his breathing evened out and Haruto’s ears were filled with the sounds of his soft snoring.


Junkyu had only been at the shop for a few minutes and he was already in a bad mood. It had started before he got here, but things just kept getting worse. First off Haruto’s coffeemaker had died that morning, taking his chances at a good cup of coffee with it.

Then to make things worse he had been running late so he hadn’t been able to stop anywhere. The only thing keeping him sane was the promise of coffee when he got here, but of course that didn’t happen. They had only juice that really made him want to throw something against a wall.

“Hey, Junkyu what happened to your hair?” Jaehyuk asked, pulling the front door of the shop closed behind him and locking it again.

“I had to cut it for work,” Junkyu replied, offering Jaehyuk a small, tired smile as he stretched out in his chair.

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