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“Hey, do you have time to fit me in?” Hyunsuk asked, moving over to where Junkyu was stretched out on his tattoo chair.

“Yeah, sure. My last appointment just left, so I’ve got a bit of time,” Junkyu replied, as he pushed himself up with a small groan and then stood up to stretch a little. “So what do you want me to do?”

“Just a bit of work on my back piece. The outline is all there, just needs some work on the shading. Jihoon was supposed to do it for me, but he’s still being a prick about things.” Hyunsuk shrugged and pulled his t-shirt over his head before turning around so that Junkyu could see his tattoo.

“Damn, this is gonna be sweet when it’s done. You sure Jihoon isn’t gonna kick my ass for messing with his design?” Junkyu asked, already tracing his fingers over the lines of Hyunsuk’s tattoo and deciding which parts needed work. He made a point of staying away from the fingertip shaped bruises that were lining Hyunsuk’s hips. That part of the tattoo did need a little bit of work, but he could leave it for Jihoon.

“He might try, but he’s all bark and no bite. Well, he does bite, just not anyone but me for awhile now.” Hyunsuk let out a little laugh as he turned back around to look at Junkyu. “It’ll be fine; I already told him I was going to have you work on it.”

“Well, it’s good to know you’re the only one he bites. However, I don’t think I want to know anything more about your sex life other than that.” Junkyu shook his head a little and moved over to his chair, moving it to a sitting position before motioning for Hyunsuk to sit down. Hyunsuk flashed a grin and took a seat in the chair with his back to Junkyu.

“Sex has never been an issue for us, not even when we’re fighting, but that is when the biting usually comes in.” Hyunsuk started laughing again when Junkyu groaned at what was obviously too much information. “Our relationship isn’t exactly the healthiest of the bunch, but it’s worked for the past eight years,” he added, wrapping his arms around the part of the chair he was facing to make it easier for Junkyu to work.

“Oh I didn’t know you guys had been together that long,” Junkyu said, grabbing a paper towel and his soapy water mix, squirting a bit on Hyunsuk’s back before wiping it off.

“Yeah, we met up at a club we were both playing in; he came home with me that first night and hasn’t really left since. He’s the one that got me into tattooing too. It started out as just a way to make money between gigs and then he got me a job here and I’ve grown to love it just as much as music. You should ask him to see his lower back sometime; it’s covered in all of my little practice tattoos. I’ve offered to cover it for him, but he doesn’t want me too,” Hyunsuk replied, resting his cheek on top of his folded arms while he waited for Junkyu to start on his back.

“It sounds like he really loves you, to keep something like that.”

“Of course I do,” Jihoon said, steeping into the room and moving over to where Hyunsuk and Junkyu were sitting. “Don’t fuck up his back or I’ll kick your ass.”

“Shut up, Jihoon. You’re not going to kick his ass even if he does mess it up, which he won’t,” Hyunsuk muttered, turning his head enough to glare at Jihoon, who just glared right back.

“I wasn’t talking to you,” Jihoon mumbled, scratching at the, just barely healed, tattoo on his wrist as he looked over at Junkyu and then back to Hyunsuk. “Why’re we fighting again?”

“I don’t know, you’re the one that started,” Hyunsuk said, knowing full well that he sounded like a spoiled little kid.

“You guys want me to leave?” Junkyu asked, looking between the two of them before turning back to setting up the ink for Hyunsuk’s tattoo.

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