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Wonwoo’s back piece was taking a bit longer to finish than Junkyu had thought it would. For some reason a few of the parts he had done last time hadn’t held quite right, so he had to redo them. It was more than a little annoying, but he pushed it down and focused on the job at hand. He really needed the money and a happy client meant more clients down the road.

“Hey, how much longer are you gonna be?” Haruto asked, slipping into Junkyu’s room and leaning back against the propped open door.

“Umm ‘bout another hour or so,” Junkyu replied, keeping his eyes on his work even though he could feel Haruto watching him.

“Okay, good. I’m gonna run out and grab some groceries for dinner and take it home then I’ll be back.”

“Can you pick up a bag of food for Ruby and I’ll pay you back later?” Junkyu asked, pausing long enough in his work to glance over his shoulder at Haruto, and then he had to look again. “Jaehyuk finally got his hands on you I see.”

“Yeah, I forgot his birthday.” Haruto rolled his eyes as he lifted his hand, pressing a finger to the ring in his bottom lip.

“C’mere and let me see it.” Junkyu waved Haruto over with a grin, barely keeping his laughter in check. “It’s not bad, at least he got it straight,” he murmured, licking at his own bottom lip as he watched Haruto twirl the ring.

“I would’ve kicked his ass if he screwed it up and he knew it. I’m gonna go now, so I can get back I’ll grab some food for Ruby and drop it off with the rest."  Haruto replied, glancing over at Wonwoo before dropping a quick kiss to Junkyu’s lips. He couldn’t quite hold back his wince when the ring shifted against Junkyu’s lips, but it was still worth it. "Jaehyuk said that you’re either coming out tonight with us or he gets to pierce something on you,”

Junkyu smiled a little, running his tongue over his lips before turning his attention back to working on Wonwoo’s back. “Yeah, I’m sure the producers would just love that. The makeup girls are already complaining about having to cover my new tattoo, imagine a piercing that I wouldn't be able to take off for weeks... We will have to ditch Jaehyuk tonight. We’re going to Hyunjin’s show or he’ll be bitching about me missing it next week at work. So Jaehyuk’s threat doesn’t bother me any.”

“Okay, let's see if this will work out,” Haruto said, grinning and heading for the door with a little wave.


“So you’re kind of close to your boss, huh?” Wonwoo asked, craning his neck a little to look over his shoulder at Junkyu.

“I don’t really think that’s something I want to discuss with you,” Junkyu replied, pulling on a fresh pair of gloves and then wiping Wonwoo’s back off.

Wonwoo shrugged a little and flexed his arms out in front of him again to make it easier for Junkyu to work on his back. He let out a little hiss when Junkyu started working again, pushing harder than he had before. “Damn, it was just an observation. There’s no reason for you to get all mean about it.”

“Sorry,” Junkyu mumbled, pulling his hand back to get more ink and then he was a little gentler when he moved his hand back.

“So I guess your not mixing business with pleasure rule doesn’t apply to people you work with,” Wonwoo mused, turning his head to look over his shoulder at Junkyu again. 

Junkyu didn’t say anything in response, just pushed at Wonwoo’s head to get him to turn it back. He worked his way up the line of Wonwoo’s spine, breathing a small sigh of relief when Wonwoo didn’t say anything else. This whole thing had become a lot more complicated than he ever wanted it to be. Wonwoo was an attractive guy, but Junkyu had learned a long time ago that looks didn’t really mean anything. There had been a long line of attractive guys in his past and he was over that now. Not that Haruto wasn’t attractive, he was gorgeous, but there was more to him than just a pretty face.

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