CHAPTER V - My Baggage

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“What if I changed my mind? What if I want you to be more than my friend now?” The words were barely out of Haruto’s mouth before he had Junkyu pinned against the wall next to the door. 

“I don’t think…” That was as far as Junkyu got before Haruto was kissing him. It wasn’t as hard and demanding as it had been the night before. There was a softness to it as Haruto stroked his thumb over the line of Junkyu’s jaw, licking his way into Junkyu’s mouth with soft swipes of his tongue. 

“We shouldn’t be doing this,” Junkyu breathed out against Haruto’s lips, slipping his hand up into Haruto’s hair and pulling him in closer when Haruto went to pull back. Just because they shouldn’t be doing it didn’t mean he didn’t want to do it.

Junkyu pushed one of his legs in between Haruto’s, bringing them even closer together as Haruto moved against his thigh and he nipped at Haruto’s bottom lip. It was all happening so fast that Junkyu was left with his skin buzzing as his blood rushed through his veins making him dizzy. The need to get even closer was almost as overpowering as the need to feel more skin. His hands slid up under Haruto’s t-shirt as he felt Haruto’s hands slipping up under his own. They needed to stop before they screwed everything up and… Oh God yes. Junkyu thrust his hips forward, grinding against Haruto’s hip and moving in time with Haruto, never breaking the contact of their mouths.

The door flew open a few seconds later, barely missing Haruto and Junkyu, followed closely by Dobby.

“Junkyu, you’re next…oh, damn I’m sorry,” Dobby mumbled, staring over at them for a second before quickly leaving the room and pulling the door closed behind her.

“Oh my god,” Junkyu hissed against Haruto’s lips, dropping his head down to rest his forehead against Haruto’s shoulder.

“Guess we should’ve locked the door,” Haruto mumbled, laughing softly against the side of Junkyu’s neck before pulling back with a little smile.

It was that smile right there that made Junkyu realize he was completely screwed. There wasn’t any way that he could give this up, even if it totally fucked everything else up.

“Yeah, guess so,” Junkyu mumbled, before straightening out his shirt and running his fingers through his hair he pushed himself off of the wall.

Haruto pulled the door open with a grin, pushing it back to settle into the door holder. They needed to go out now, and Junkyu knew it, but part of him didn’t want to move. This place was worse than a high school when it came to how fast rumors spread around. Not that this was so much a rumor as a fact, but still he knew Dobby had probably told everyone by now.

“Come on, I won’t let them bother you.” Haruto gave Junkyu’s hand a little tug, pulling him out of the room and down the hall before Junkyu pulled his hand free and went directly to the reception desk alone.

“What have you boys been up to?” Jihoon asked, grinning over at them as soon as they stepped out to the main area of the shop.

“Nothing,” Junkyu whisperrd, making his way over to where Dobby was sitting behind the front desk. “Did you need something earlier?”

“Oh yeah, I was just going to tell you that your next appointment called, he said he was running late and would be here in about ten minutes. That was about seven minutes ago, so he should be here soon,” Dobby replied, grinning up at him as she twirled her chair around behind the desk.

“Thank you, you can just send him back when he gets here.”

“Want me to tell him to make sure he knocks?” Dobby was smiling up at Junkyu in a way that clearly said, 'what? I’m not doing anything wrong'. It took even less time than he thought for her to spread what she saw around.

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