CHAPTER II - Body Shots

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One tequila shot turned into two tequila shots which quickly continued to keep increasing. No one pressured him to drink, but he still drunk as if he had something to proven. Because soon Junkyu couldn’t count anymore how many shots he had, or even stand without help.

Then at some point Dobby suggested body shots and of course Junkyu being the new guy he ended up being the body. His brain was kind of fuzzy and he gave up trying to focus when people started grabbing at his arms. Which was fine, really. His arms were nice and safe and wasn't too creepy to have people licking.

It was Jihoon who shoved him back and pulled his t-shirt off of him. A move that made him really glad they had somehow gotten back to Haruto’s place at that point. When did that happen? He wasn’t really sure how that happened, but didn’t really care when Haruto licked the line of his hip bone.

Oh, he was drunk, that was true. But he wasn’t too drunk to not appreciate the way Haruto’s tongue felt sliding over his skin. Followed by the gentle nip of teeth, just enough to make him groan, a soft scrape of salt crystals and the cold wet press of a lime wedge somewhere on his stomach. He was pretty sure it was one of the most exciting things he had felt in a pretty damn long time.

Haruto’s lips and tongue, licking and sucking away the salt crystals had him so distracted that he didn’t even register anything else. He didn’t hear Dobby and Junghwan giggling or Jihoon telling them to “shut up” as Jihoon pushed them towards the door. He also didn’t hear Jaehyuk and Asahi laughing and nearly falling on their asses as Hyunsuk also helped them to the door.

The one thing that he did feel was a small box hitting him rather hard in the leg. Then he heard someone-- he didn’t really care who it was -- call out a quick, “Make sure you use one, any of you.” The door clicked shut a few seconds later and he forced his eyes open to look up at Haruto who had stopped doing anything with his mouth. He was just sitting there perched on the edge of the couch watching Junkyu. While his amazingly long fingers ran over the line of the waistband of Junkyu’s jeans, slipping under it every so often. It was then that Junkyu realized what it was Haruto was tracing.

“I was beginning to wonder if you had any,” Haruto mumbled distractedly while he tugged at the waistband of Junkyu’s jeans before glancing up at him. It was right there in his eyes an unspoken question, can I?, and all Junkyu could do was nod.

Junkyu gasped when Haruto gave his jeans a hard tug, having unfastened them without Junkyu even realizing it. The jeans were tossed aside and then Haruto was straddling his legs and grinning down at him. Junkyu’s hips bucked up against the hard press of Haruto’s hand on his hip at the first touch of Haruto’s other hand on his cloth covered cock. One thing he had to give Haruto, the man sure didn’t waist any time, not that he was complaining.

“So how far down does it go?” Haruto asked, locking his knees on either side of Junkyu’s legs before he let him go just long enough to pull his own t-shirt off. The tattoo on his side was still a little red and raised up, but the plastic was gone now.

“Why don’t you find out for…oh fuck,” Junkyu groaned, fingers clawing at the couch in an attempt to find something to hold onto when Haruto’s hand slipped into the front of his boxers. Haruto’s hands were really freaking huge and, oh yeah right there, he really knew how to use them.

“I’m gonna find every last one of your tattoos and then I’m gonna lick them. Then I’ll give you a turn at going tattoo hunting, but not for very long. I’ve been thinking about you fucking me since you came into the shop.” Haruto was working his mouth up Junkyu’s body as he spoke, muffling his words a little but Junkyu still understood. Fuck yeah, he understood and didn’t waste anytime in grabbing the back of Haruto’s head and pulling him up into a kiss.

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