Ch. 3; -Secret Musician-

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Scaramouche looked at the other deeply, before sighing.
S- "Hm, alright then. "Young Prince Kaedehara Kazuha." Let's see how much you remember then shall we?"
With those words, The indigo stood up, and lend his hand for the other. Looking up to him with sparkles in his eyes, Kazuha gladly took his hand, obviously excited.


K- "Prince Scaramouche, we are going to the music hall right? Is it big? Is there many violin sizes? Colours? Or- or- stages!?"

The poor oh-mighty-Scaramouche was being showered by questions, he was about to snap, he knew he couldn't. 1, His mother would punish him. 2, Judging by the others personality he would get scared easily. 3, It would echo around the halls. As he sighed, Kazuha realized he was making Scaramouche annoyed. Quickly shutting up, he just followed the lead of the other nervously.


Once the both have reached the music hall, they saw a group of musicians trying to practice. Kazuha wasn't going to lie to himself, it sounded.. horrendous.

S- "Buckle up everyone. It's simply horrendous. Please do exit the kingdom." [He points to the door]

K- "..." [Deciding to stay silent, and only observe. He gulped thinking of what will happen to him if he messes up.]

S- "Alright.. Pick a violin at the backstage. Just, practice a little there too for me eh? Just to see if you remember. I don't wanna hear horrible notes."

K- "Ah- yes. Of course!" [Bowing slightly, immediately rushing to the backstage]



S- "What is it that you have that just doesn't annoy me as much as the others..." [Sighing, he sits on the "judge's table"]

Back with the young prince, he was picking out a medium-sized violin, with the traditional elegant bright chocolate colour, striped with white and gold edges and strings. Backing up from the selection board, thinking of what melody he should try out.. Deciding on a melody he remembered his ma, (mother) teaching him, he took a deep breathe and played a few notes of the song, "Two Birds On A Wire" , also partly because it reminded the young prince of his knight..


A few minutes have passed and Scaramouche was getting impatient.

S- "Ahem, Sir Kazuha! Can you be quicker? I said a few notes, not full melodies!" [He yelled so the other could hear him]

K- "My apologies!" [The young prince comes back to the stage] "Alright..- Uhm.. Before you ask, I do remember how to, just... not as much as I did before.."

S- "Just tell me if it sounds better than those group or whatever." [He said with a stern tone]

K- "Uhm... I would say it's quite better Prince Scaramouche. May i start..?"

S- "Yeah okay, whatever. It better be as you said." [The prince scoffed and sat back]

As the young prince placed the violin on his shoulder, he took a deep breathe once more, starting the melody slowly, remembering the other notes along the way. Soon he could feel himself getting captured into the music, happily smiling while spinning around and playing the violin, while thinking of his knight. The other seemingly liked how the melody was played by the young prince, soon after humming along-side him, then also remembering the lyrics to this song,

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