Ch. 27; -Not The Plan-

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Yk what. It is rushed. Thank you for letting me know. WHO THE FUCK CARES ABOUT 30 CHAPTERS? MAKE IT GOOD!!! 35+ chapters time!!!


This. Was. Not. The Plan.

The robot's cabin and head was destroyed in the middle of trying to check up on it. An accidental catapult hit it, and without being turned on its as fragile as any other metal. The big dent would needs weeks to fix, and they had no time for that.

"Shit.. shit shit NO! This wasn't supposed to.." Scaramouche screamed, while doing his daily check up from the safety area the fatui had come up with.


"SHUT UP ALREADY." The voices were back, louder than ever, warning him, they kept repeating "death, danger". What was the cause? Fucks sake, why was he the one that was targeted by the voices?

He was getting irritated at one point, so he just took a stroll around the mountain side. That didint help.

When he was back he just laid down. He had nothing to do, now that he knew his own lover was one of his enemies, what did he have to do? He did say he was planning to betray them. It was all too sudden.. too.. irregular.

For once, he waited for the voices to come back. They did. He took out his old paper with the old words and wrote down how many times each word was said.

In the span of 5 minutes, Death and Danger was repeated 110 times. Puppet 20, and 6th around 15. The word "him" was said after each different word. Like,

Death him danger him death him danger him.

Was it referring to himself? But puppet had nothing to d-

He lets out a gasp.


On the way back, he met Heizou, apperantly he went the wrong way because of Scaramouche's "amazing" direction explanation. When they got back Heizou instantly jumps on Kazuha hugging him to death, ruining all the ink on the paper. All of the words. Gone.

"Heizou get off for a second please." He tried to sound as polite as possible, but all of the potential clues were gone. Gone. Simply, gone.

Heizou looks down on the paper and lets out an "oh" sound, he didint know what was on the paper but it sounded important. He sits back down and hugs the other from the side this time, apologizing.

Scaramouche was outside making the campfire, and fed the horses.


"Are you planning to tell Heizou you are.. ahem." Kazuha mutters out, slightly awkwardly while he was cooking the fish he catched not too far away from here.

"Maybe. Don't know yet. Maybe it's better I don't." He rests his head on the other's shoulder as he listens to the fire crackling. The albino let's out an "mn" sound as he wraps his other arm around the raven.

"Maybe we should try our luck with the forest." Scaramouche looks at him for a moment then turns back to the fire. Was it worth it? This plan definetly had more hope than his own.

"We need the map." Heizou appears from behind, "I got it dumbo." Both of them turn around and greet the detective, and they all settle down watching the fire.

"It's quite calm. Considering the main city is getting destroyed back there." Kazuha lets out a chuckle, while Scaramouche, unamused, just settles his head down on the others lap. The grass was soft, but the cold wind didint make it any better.


"Heizou.. while he's sleeping.. I was thinking. Maybe we should actually go to the forest?" The detective hums, shrugging. "Maybe. I mean, what are the chances of us surviving? Plus, won't your boyfriend get mad?" Kazuha sighs. He did say he would take him to watch the robot thing but he didint. He was busy from morning to evening. So what if..

"What if we go by ourselves? I mean, like literally. We leave him here, go at what? 6 am, come back the next day? Also he isint my boyfriend." Heizou pats his back, "It ain't that easy. The shortest trip there was a whole week. I read that in a book. The longest was 6 years. And only because rescue teams searched for that guy. Oh and also yes you are dont deny it." Both of them stare at the sky.

"I just want us to be safe." Kazuha mumbles. Looking at the horses.

"Trust me, I do too."

I forgot I had exams

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