Ch. 24 -Machines-

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Chapter 30 might be the last chapter and I have the motivation to write it everyday so I can start on the new book finally or not idk, I'll probs start the Titanic book tomorrow and release chapters thrice a week

A bird chirps outside the window, waking the raven up. He flutters his eyes slightly open, trying to hug his dear "partner". Blank space. He fully opens his eyes looking around the room. Where is he? The moment he wanted to go searching for him he saw the albino come in. "If you make me wake up alone one more time I'll make sure you'll never wake up again." Silence. A mere apologetic smile. He feels Kazuha hug him, giving a kiss on his cheek. The best apology.

He had a meeting to attend today, but after what happened yesterday just leaving Kazuha..? He was not too very fond of the idea. He hugs back, as he was sitting.. he rolls back in a quick motion bringing the other with him "What was that for-" "Shut up and let me get my motivation for today." Scaramouche says as he hugged the male on top of him. Oh.
The albino didint complain tho. Hugs were his thing.


"Balladeer. So great to see you." A deep voice echoes. "Greetings." They were in a cave, seemingly equipped by Fatui and turned into a base. "How are the drugs going? Did every lovely costumer receive it?" Scaramouche nods, looking up at the teal-haired man. "Dotttore. I mean. Doctor.. Will I be able to handle the crown?" The taller male shakes his head, turning his back. "Soon enough. May I test something on you again?" They had a deal.

Never say no to requested experiments.
They are here to help you.
Help you.


"Well that was.. worse than usual." The raven walks out the underground base, struggling to keep balance. "Shit my head hurts.. everything's blurry. What did he test on me this time.." A sudden ringing in his ear made him drop to the ground. "Fucks sake.. it's already sunset. I should be getting back by now.. or else.. he'll worry about me. Then find the base and me next to it."

He gets up, half-awake, starts walking towards the harbor. Though even after 10 minutes, he breaks down near a tree, breathing heavily. "Might come home late this time.. sorry darling"

2 hours pass, and something rough picks him up.


"Heyy short guy. Wake up!" He groans, getting up from what seemed like a couch. He looks to the side.. Childe. "The fuck.. how did you find me." He just blinks at him, making the raven realize. Both of them are Fatui. Dumbfuck."I took you to the Inn I'm staying at with a random ruin guard I managed to control. Let me guess. You let The Doctor's experiment on your body again. Look, I don't like you. But you gotta stop letting him." Scaramouche scoffs.

"Why does it matter? Plus we have a deal. He'll make me stronger. And in return I'll satisfy him with letting him experiment on me. Even if he put poison in my veins I would let him as long as he finishes that stupid robot." Tartaglia looks at him, seemingly serious. "Okay then. Scaramouche. You are ruining yourself. What would your uh.. friend say? He'll find out sooner or later. Isint that the reason you are continuing with the project. Originally you wanted to drop it and become stronger yourself."

"Am I right Balladeer." He nods.
Tartaglia takes him in front of the castle, and lets him go by himself afterwards. "I have been at that Inn for hours.. I hope Kazuha won't over-worry." He knocks on the door of their room, after a minute it opens. The person who opened the door was of course Kazuha, he looked a bit tired, maybe he was sleeping. "Scara? I thought you were back before.." He just gives a scoff in response and goes to the bathroom.


After he gets out, the raven sees a book and a cup of coffee on the bed-side table. "Did you.." The albino turns to him with a slight smile. "I knew you would come late. So I readied something you would like. Tho it's probably slightly cold right now. Atleast you can read the book." Scaramouche picks up the book, and lays down next to Kazuha. Slightly wincing from the pain his body still held from The Doctor's needles and machines.

"Are you okay?" Kazuha asks, only to receive a nod in response. He lays back down, resting his head near the raven's chest. "I sometimes think your heartbeat is a melody or a song" Scaramouche looks down at him. "What?" He smiles, "It's calming and has a rhtym. And I know it belongs to someone I adore. Kinda like a song. No words needed, music is something that should calm you. And that's exactly what your heartbeat does." A slight pink tint covers his ears, he just smacks Kazuha playfully, and goes back to reading his book.


"I already told you I feel like a puppet."


"Now I actually feel like a person with you."


Guys I forgot I have a very big final in a year and like I never studied. Uhm fuck life! /hj
Short chapter yes but we are getting to the good part!

901 words

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