Part 13: Waffles and Pancakes

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Nene POV:

Emu and I joined Rui and Tsukasa to i-hop, I didnt really like i-hop but I was so tired of seeing those two toghether. I had no idea about what was going around them, but they were extremely suspicious.

I always play videogames in my bedroom, I wear my best pajamas and make some milk and cookies for me to snack on while playing. Its an escapism for me, I feel so comfortable..Whenever I take time to play games my life becomes lot more relaxing. I used to invite Rui over to play my favorite multiplayer games, but ever since he starting inviting Tsukasa over, he wouldnt reply to any of my texts inviting him over to my house.

Our houses are way too close toghether. I used to not be able to sleep because of Rui's loud robot-building-metal noises..But now i cant sleep because Tsukasa Tenma wont fucking stop moaning at his house. Where they..? I couldnt stop thinking about it. I tapped my fingers against the table as I tried to figure out what was happening at Rui's place.

Emu: "Nene-chi, you havent had a bite off your omelette, is it cold?"
I spaced out,
Nene: "Oh..Im..Sorry Emu! Ill start eating right away."
I took a bit off the omelette.
Nene: "Oh, yes its very good!"
I chuckled, Emu seemed happier.

Last night Emu came over to my place, we had a sleepover. We tried to sleep, yet Tsukasa and Rui wouldnt stop moaning. I tried to convince Emu they were just being annoying boys and yelling too loudly. I think Emu believed it..

I looked over at the other side of the table, Rui and Tsukasa were definetely flirting. Rui fed Tsukasa. They both giggled.

Nene: "Can you not feed yourself, Tenma?"
They both sat down straight and looked at me, Tsukasa scratched his head.
Rui: "Were just goofing around Nene, so sorry."
Tsukasa nodded along with Rui. They both continued to eat normally.

Emu turned to me with her fork pointing at my face.

Emu: "Come on Nene, its fun! Open wide- Aaah!"
I looked at Emu, was she serious? I opened my mouth.
Emu: "Wider Nene, its a big waffle!..Dont be shyy-"
I opened my mouth, Emu fed me her waffle, it was extremely sweet, full of the gross cheap i-hop syrup. I ate it.
Nene: "Thank you, Emu."
Emu smiled and continued to eat her meal. Tsukasa looked at me and giggled.

I felt the need to question Rui and Tsukasa even more.
I looked at them, I took a sip of my hot milk then asked.

Nene: "Youre way too loud in your sleepover's guys..I bet your having fun, why not invite Emu and me next time?"
Tsukasa choked on his pancake, he sipped his drink then looked back at me.
Tsukasa: "Its a boys thing, you wouldnt get it!"
Rui nodded as he ate his pancakes.
Rui: "Its a different kind of fun, it may be weird for you Nene.."
I was so confused. "Boy things"? What did he even mean?
Nene: "Oh, alright."
I nodded, I didnt know what else to say. Emu perked at them.

Emu: "Mmm, you guys are having fun sleepovers while Nene and I do all the hard work! Please invite us over next time..Pretty pleasee!"
Emu begged and looked at the boys with her puppy eyes. Tsukasa looked away.
Rui: "E..Emu, dont take it that way...We would love to have you girls over to do some fun sleepover stuff!"
Tsukasa looked at Rui, extremely confused. He looked like he was about to say something, yet he stayed quiet.
Rui: "Should we buy some board games? Whats your favorite game Emu?"
Emu smiled, she looked excited about a Wondershow sleepover, she rubbed her chin as she thinked. Rui was definetely fucking around, Tsukasa and him were not just playing board games, I knew that for sure.

Emu: "I really really really love that one Life game, you know..The one of the little cars where you adopt babies and have an adult life!"
Rui thinked, he definetely didnt know what Emu was talking about. I had played that game with Emu before.
Nene: "You mean 'The Game of Life',right? The one with the white box?"
Emu nodded her head
Emu: "Yes! I love that game, its so adult-ish!"
Tsukasa was whispering to Rui, I supposed it was about the board game, Rui looked back at Emu.
Rui: "I see, it seems Tsukasa's sister has that game at home! We should borrow it and play it, sounds fun?"
We all nodded, the plan was decided. We were joining them for a sleepover, they were too suspicious..I would keep an eye on them from now on.

"Turtututuru*" a phone rang, I checked my pockets, it wasnt mine. Emu quickly stood off the table. She looked around nervously, then back at us.

Emu: "Uwaaa, you guys.. I need to leave! I need to go to the cat cafe soon! See you for the sleepover guys! Bye Bye!"
Rui: "Bye Emu!"
Tsukasa: "Bye Bye!"
I waved goodbye at Emu as she ran out the place. We all continued to eat casually.
I got closer to the table.

Nene: "You really are idiots arent you.."
I said to them, they both looked confused. I waited for a response but they both looked shocked.
Nene: "I know what you guys are doing in your "boy sleepovers"..."
Tsukasa's eyes perked, Rui looked at me in confusion.
Rui: "Excuse me?.."

Rui said in a soft voice, he was definetely acting like he didnt understand a word. I had to say it.
Nene: "I know youre having girls over at your place! I know what youre doing at night, you disgusting morons.."
They both panicked, Tsukasa tried to speak yet no words would come out of his mouth."
Rui: "We can explain Nene.."

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