Chloé Bourgeois

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Chloé Bourgeois

Miss Ecofinisher sat in the office analyzing the file of a blonde-haired student, she would attend next.

The door got opened back, making Alfida wide her eyes surprised to see the girl, she had to interview just bursted into the office without knocking.

"I have no idea, who you are miss, but you need to know, that I'm the daughter of the mayor of Paris," Said Chloé making the woman chuckle at the girl's behavior, then moved her hand to the chair, signaling Chloé to take place.

"I believe everyone by now knows it, don't worry," Commented the woman watching Chloé sit down and take out her smartphone from her jacket as the psychologist got up to head towards the door to close it. "I have to warn you, I'm not a psychopath or anything to land here,"
"Oh, whoa, whoa! That's not nice to say, even to yourself," Miss Ecofinisher warned walking behind the chair of the girl to look down at her. "Can you tell me your age, Chloé?" Questioned the school psychologist making Chloé roll her eyes, still using her smartphone.

"15," Responded Chloé.

"Fifteen what?"

"Fifteen what? You're starting to do the same story as Mrs. Mendeleiev with the bananas and melons?" Questioned Chloé making the woman snort.

"I got it, don't worry. By the way, you know, that just because you're very different from the others, it doesn't mean you're one. No one can call you such a word. I have seen in your file, that you're......not a very pleasant person to talk with," Stated Alfida watching Chloé shove her phone against her forehead at the conversation.

"Perhaps they're the ones, that are not pleasant with me," Contered Chloé making the psychologist shrug her shoulders and get around the table to sit down.

"Look Chloé, you're still young. I believe in you, that deep down in you're heart, you're much more than what you show to be. You should look into yourself, deep down. I know, that you can do it, you can as well ask a friend or two, that you're very close to it. If that isn't possible, you can come to your class teacher or to me. I'm able to guide you and other students along the way to help you grow into someone amazing. This only works if you want to do it and the much better effect it has when you have the help of the good people you love. Your best friends for example," Alfida recounted to the young girl observing Chloé look down pondering about the words of the woman.

"I had once followed my friend Adrien his advice and it had worked out at some point, but then it didn't hold on,"

"You know, changing is very difficult. To be right, changing is actually the wrong word. developing or evolving is the one we use,"

"What's the difference?" Questioned Chloé watching Alfida slide her finger on Chloé's smartphone to open the camera option and switch it to selfie mode.

"What do you see?" Questioned Alfida looking at Chloé's deadpan expression on the camera.

"Me?" Answered Chloé not understanding where the psychologist was going with the talk.

"You still got a few years in front of you to become a better person. It's a long way up there, you can go that way. You won't need to do the way alone, you can have people who cherish you help you follow the path. Don't be afraid of it," Alfida said observing Chloé on the camera feel called by the women's words.

"Adrien and Sabrina are my best friends and that's practically everything,"

"Well, you don't need to have a lot of friends as long as the ones you have are true friends," Commented the psychologist making Chloé nod, then Alfida returned to her seat and took her block and pen to prepare herself for taking down notes. "Okay Chloé, I'm going to ask you simple questions. You just need to answer them. Anything sensitive you answered, that it's considered private or intimate won't leave this room ever," Alfida commented filling in the names of Chloé's friends on the list. "Not even Bustier will know it, your father, the principal, your friends, just you and me. My head for secrets is like an extremely well-guard security prison. Nothing can break in or out,"

Ecofinisher, the school psychologistWhere stories live. Discover now