Mylène Haprèle

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Mylène Haprèle

Mylène went upstairs, then came across her father on the top, that was cleaning the outside windows of an empty classroom.

"Hello papa," Greeted the blonde watching her father dunk the window washer into the bucket, then glimpsed up to recognize the girl.

"Hey Mylène. You're going somewhere?" Questioned Fred making the girl nod.

"Miss Bustier said the new school psychologist has to get to know all students," Answered the girl making the man nod.

"Alright, don't forget to knock on the door," Warned the man earning a nod from the girl.

"Sure papa," Answered Mylène continuing her way to the second last door on the floor, where on the door it was noticed to be the office of the school psychologist. Mylène knocked on the door, then glimpsed back to see her father use the stick and begin to move the washer from up down on the ground wetting the window with liquid. Mylène watched the door getting opened up to see a woman around the 160cm stand there at the entrance with a block in her hand.

"Good afternoon, you must be Mylène Hapréle, right?" Asked the woman making the girl smile.

"Yes, that's me," Responded Mylène holding out her hand at the adult to shake it.

"I'm Alfida Ecofinisher, the new school psychologist. I'm here to get to know you just as the others from your class," The woman commented letting the girl enter into the classroom, then both walked at the desk and Alfida pulled the chair out for Mylène to let her sit there, afterward she made her way to her own chair.

"So, as the new school psychologist, I am interested to get to know all the students that attend the Françoise Dupont school. It gives me an image with who I have to deal in future cases. There's no need to have a bad picture of me, I'm here to help, whenever it is needed, wheter it is because of the school performance or in private. If you can't get anywhere help, I'm the free choice your school has to offer. We take care of all this with secrecy. Whatever you tell her, no one will know unless you specifically say so,"


"I will ask you a few questions and you will answer. Simple questions, no right or wrong. I'll notice the answers down and they're added into your school file. Are you okay to start?" Questioned Miss Ecofinisher making the short girl nod. "How do you like school? Are you doing good here?"

"I'm good. I'm doing way better now. I feel like I have begun to feel better in the new class," Responded Mylène. "The new mixed up class, we're all in good terms. The previous class somehow certain students would pick up fight with others and it made things umcoforable during lessons,"

"This doesn't happen in the new class anymore?"

"It's rare, to be honest. At the begin of the school year it, there had been arguments between the same students, but it changed with the time. Some got along with the others and found friends in here,"

"That's good. What about you? Have you found friends here or do you have the same ones here?"

"I befriended Marinette, Alya and Ivan. In the previous class, I used to be together with Alix Kubel and we're deskmates now," Responded Mylène. "We're good friends as well, later on we got to know the others. Ivan funnily had a crush on me since a few months before class started and I think thanks to Marinette he tried to tell me how he felt but he didn't success. At that moment I had shrieked, because he had thought about singing it, but he was too loud and I didn't reacted the way he had expected,"

"Oh, but now everything is okay, right?"

"Yes, we've been together now for a few months and we both have developed. We go out very often to see each other or have small dates together,"

Ecofinisher, the school psychologistWhere stories live. Discover now