Max Kanté

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Max Kanté

"Welcome to my office. I'm Alfida Ecofinisher, the new school psychologist. I'm here got get to know all the students of the school here. Our session is short and I will ask questions about you. Everything we discuss here is kept between us two only. If you wish to inform somebody here about......I don't know, your shoe size, I can tell it, otherwise, I have an order to keep my mouth locked,"

"Okay, it's good," Responded the brunette boy making Alfida nod, then opened her block and grabbed Max's file from the interior of the desk's drawer and placed it open beside the block.

"So....Max Kanté, right......" He nodded observing the woman notice down his name on the sheet to make sure who the person was he would keep notes from. "Can you tell me how are you doing?" Questioned the woman. "How are you doing at school?"

"I'm doing excellent," Commented Max proudly while adjusting his glasses. "At the moment I have the top grades here in all subjects. All around the 15 to 18 and above. From all available subjects around three-quarters are a 19 and the rest are between 15 and 18. My worst one isn't that bad, it's a 13 in Algebra. We've got it in Math and the latest one was about Algebra and its quite challenging,"

"Yes, Algebra in fact isn't quite easy subject in the middle of all the people here," Confessed the brunette woman making Max shrug his shoulders a little. "Anyway, the amount of work behind this is admirable. You sure must love to learn about the subjects here," Spoke Alfida as she took notes from the young boy.

"I could say that. Just unlike those cliche nerds that have no friends I actually have some,"

"What are their names? Do I know them?" Questioned Alfida making the boy nod.

"My best friend is Kim Chien Le. Other good friends are Nino Lahiffe and Alix Kubdel. We're all from the same class,"

"Do you have friends from your former class? Did you used to get along with them?"

"Kim I knew from my previous class. We befriended each other near the second semester and I helped him with learning better for tests here at the school to help him avoid repeating the same class again. Nino and Alix came afterward in the new class,"

"Good. The other students of you, are you all doing well together too?" Asked Alfida earning a nod from Max. "Did you have it good too with your previous class? Or better?"

"I suppose the one from now is better. We have been through a lot, so we grew closer with each other," Max stated earning a nod from the woman, that wrote it down on the sheet with Max waiting for her to finish her description.

"Alright, have you got any hobbies?" Asked Miss Ecofinisher earning a nod from the short boy.

"I do like programming on my computer or technical devices at home. I also do handcraft and I'm enthusiastic about video games. I used to be the greatest player online in entire France in League of Legends. Two years ago I was fourth place in World of Warcraft, and 9th in Super Mario,"

"Wow, that's amazing. How are your results today? Have you still gotten the same place today?"

"League of Legends I've been first place for around the week and when I have time I keep defending my position. The last two games I'm now behind somewhere,"

"Ok, that you don't lose the most important things in the current issue is very good. That I have to admit, it is great,"

"Thank you, Miss Ecofinisher," Said Max while the woman smiled and wrote down the boy's answer.

"Have you currently a interest into a job, related to any of your hobbies? Something you think you could be really good at?"

"At the moment, I think IT or animation designer are quite interesting for me. Or web designer. I know if I have the possibility I follow anything in technology,"

"Okay and I heard you would need to be in a good health to get there, despite it got it?"

"I have a slight allergy to seafood, but that's not involved there," Stated Max making the woman nod.

"That's right, rather more in a canteen that will me an issue," Added Alfida. "I haven't heard anything about your parents yet. Do you tell m a bit about them?"

"My mother works as a train conductor at the Startrain and my father is IT manager at the train connection home. They knew each other from their breaks and with the time they grew closer,"

"Sweet. Do you trust your parents, if there's something bothering you and you need someone to talk?"

"Well, I speak to my mother mostly. When it's a guy topic I would speak to my father eventually or consult the internet,"

"At the school, do you have a friend or a teacher you could come to if it was another topic?"

"Kim and I share the same desk. Most of the time, we're both earlier there we discuss an issue that's on our mind together. Sometimes during class as well, not as much as during the breaks thought. He knows I'd rather be present during the entire lesson....Miss Bustier I do have a good bond with and when something is bothering me, I may go to her. I haven't needed to talk with her so far, just one time because of gym class,"

"Alright and at the moment, she's the only teacher you could trust with an issue?"

"At the moment not. Maybe if something happened in a certain other classrooms with another teacher, I would talk to that teacher,"
"Good......," Replied Alfida finishing her sentence on the block, then moved on to the next question. "From all the countries there is, which one would you love to visit someday?"
"At the moment, I'm interested in visiting South Korea, Japan and Singapore," Responded Max. "I'd like to see the advanced lives there, mainly from Japan and South Korea,"

"Okay, that's well," Commented the woman. "What are your talents in free or school time? What do you see in yourself, that you're pretty good at?"

"Making up inventions, computer programming, calculations by mind, video gaming....I know there's more than that. I can save up information very quick in my head, you know in both school and private life,"
"Alright, then the last question you gotta answer is probably not so hard for you, I believe. What do you think?"

"Throw the question at me, I'm ready for what you got," Announced Max making the woman nod.

"Good...If you were going to spend a few months on a lonely island without any people, which three things would you bring there with you?"

"Depending on the sort of island, the current season there, the consistency of its ground, its location, the distance to the sea....for every sort of island I could make a list with three objects only and even that with only that number, is challenging to stick with them only,"
"You just have to make one list. I don't need more,"

"Thank you, actually I got a list, that would work everywhere and is important for me too," Max announced making the psychologist nod and prepare to write the options down. "I will take a water bottle with an installed filter in it, so I can always have drinkable water, which I have to filter before. As at the island there's always food around I will carry a toothbrush with me to clean my teeth and my last option is my robot Markov. He's able to talk and do things together with you, nearly like a human. Besides that, we can talk with each other and he's like a sentient being, able to show emotions,"

"Interesting......wait your friend Kim talked about him as well, he sounded very impressed by him,"

"Markov's at home right now, but next time I can bring and introduce you to him. I'm sure you're going to like him too,"

"Can't wait to see, what you were capable to invent at this age. Perhaps you've heard this a lot...."

"I did and thank you," Responded Max earning a smile from the woman.

Ecofinisher, the school psychologistWhere stories live. Discover now