Nathaniel Kurtzberg

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Nathaniel Kurtzberg

Nathaniel made his way along the floor to the office of the school psychologist to encounter the door open with the woman standing with a bottle of water in her hand taking a sip whilst reading the interior of a file, that contained a couple of sheets in it. Nathaniel knocked on the door to earn the woman's attention.

"Come in," Invited the woman watching Nathaniel enter into the office and close the door behind him, afterward walked to the desk to see the woman offer the boy to take the chair in front of her desk. "Welcome. You're here, so I can get to know you a little. As the new school psychologist I'd like to see each student at least once and picture myself, who I am dealing with. I saw you got a few extras here, I haven't seen on others. I haven't read it through fully, but I have seen your mother had to deal occasionally with the social worker, is that right?"

"I think it was a tough time for my mom," Mentioned Nathaniel. "She had to prove herself that she can take care of me all alone,"
"All alone? Did something happen to your father?" Questioned Alfida making Nathaniel shrug his shoulders.

"I don't know it," Responded Nathaniel. "It doesn't even matter. I don't think it would be any worth having him around," Spoke Nathaniel slightly cold surprising the woman a little.

"What did happen to him, if I may ask?"

"He left our family, when I still was a baby," Mentioned Nathaniel making the woman sank her eyebrows sad at the notice. "It's not worth the deal. He had done it in the worst possible my knowledge,"

"Can you clarify, what he has done?" Questioned Alfida making Nathaniel look aside thinking about it, then sighed.

"Well it doesn't matter, most people know more or less what happened," Stated Nathaniel. "When I was a baby, my father had promised we would someday go to Germany to meet his parents. He took us in his car and we traveled with it towards Germany. Shortly after we had passed through the borders of France and Luxembourg, we stopped at a service area. My mom had taken me from the seat and mentioned to my dad she was going to the restrooms to change diapers. My father said he was going to put a bit of fuel as it was cheaper at that part and while we were in, my mom didn't notice my dad was about to pull one of the biggest......mistake or relief in his life. He drove off immediately out of the area. As my mother got out with me, she went to the gas pumps to look for him, but he wasn't there. She looked around for the car anywhere around the area and couldn't find him. She had gotten worried and tried to call him, but his phone was inactive. A vigilant trucker had per coincidence see him leaving , but assumed the entire family was inside the car and questioned my mom about it. He offered her to question the inmates of the gas station for info and she discovered he straight left the place without even docking at the gas pump for fuel. My mother was offered to have the police called, but she rejected it and informed my grandparents about, what happened and they took their own car to make their way towards Luxembourg to take us back home. We never received any letter, call or anything about him. We simply know he left without any mom assumed he wasn't really happy or prepared for fatherhood. He didn't even talk with her about it or anything, just ran off,"

"That's a really terrible experience," Confessed Alfida making Nathaniel nod.

"Well I don't really remember anything about that. I just know it from my grandparents and my mother. I had to visit with my mom some other psychologists or something, because of having a not-normal family. Not basic like other students. All had a mom and a dad, but I had only my mother and no father around. I feel like they feared my mom wouldn't be able to raise me on her own. She had help from her parents. We lived with them in the same home, I would rarely be alone. Around when I turned 8 I think, I didn't have to visit those people anymore, but my mom would receive twice a year visit from a social worker to take a look at everything to see if everything was okay,"

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