Marinette Dupain Cheng

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Marinette Dupain Cheng

Marinette stood in front of the door to the office with Tikki floating beside her purse looking at the door.

"What questions is she going to ask you?" Questioned Tikki observing her holder glimpsing neutrally at the door.

"Alya and co. said to not worry about it. She just wants to get to know us and in case we have trouble, she can help us too,"

"But you're not telling her about being Ladybug?"

"Of course not! Even if I would, I don't think, she could help me," Said Marinette making Tikki nod, then both looked at the door and Marinette opened the purse for Tikki. "Come get in, I need to get this behind me before an akuma decides to show up right now," Said Marinette watching Tikki disappear, afterward she knocked on the door and the door got opened back and Marinette smiled to see the brunette woman opening the door.

"Hello, you must be Marinette," Spoke the woman making Marinette nod. "I saw your shadow through the glass and went to make sure if someone was here. Were you about to knock?"

"Yes," Responded Marinette. "Sorry if I took too long,"

"No problem, come enter and sit there," Offered Alfida letting the blue-haired girl enter the office to take a seat, followed by the woman returning to her seat to start the questions. "You must have heard it before from your classmates. You're here to be interviewed by me. I'm Alfida Ecofinisher the new school psychologist. All answers I receive from my questions won't be shared anywhere in public. It will stay between the two of us. Are you ready?"

"Yes, I'm ready," Said Marinette confident.

"Good, I'd like you to introduce yourself to me, tell me your name, age, and origin," Questioned the brunette making Marinette nod.

"My name's Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I'm 15 years old, my mother's Chinese, and my dad has a French father and an Italian mom. I grew up all my life here in France and I'm practically a full-fleshed French,"

"About the Italian and Chinese part, do you have any connection, that could show me that side a little?" Questioned the woman making Marinette nod.

"Well, it's not very notable, but my eyes are a little almond-shaped and I have dark hair like Chinese citizens. Due to my parents being busy I have never been to China before with them. I met my mother's uncle, who once came here for a competition. He had taught me a few words as he saw I tried too hard to learn a bit Mandarin,"

"That was good from your uncle's side," The brunette commented making Marinette smile happy. "Tell me, how is school doing for you? How do you feel at the school,"

"Oh definitely better than last year," Responded Marinette making Alfida furrow her one eyebrow at her answer.

"You were in a different class last year too, right?" Questioned Alfida making Marinette shrug.

"Well, Miss Bustier still was my teacher there, but I had a few other students in my class. Justin, Claudia, Marc, Jean, Mireille, and Laura were there and left for Mrs. Mendeleiev's class. Juleka, Rose, Max, Kim, Nathaniel, Chloé, and Sabrina joined the same class as me,"

"And what is in this class now better, that you didn't enjoy in the previous one?"

"Well, if I can be really open-hearted here with you, I used to be bullied in the last class by my two classmates Chloé and Sabrina,"

"Oh and what did you do about it?"

"I remained always politely towards her trying to make her stop. Fighting back would just have made it worse for me at that time,"

Ecofinisher, the school psychologistWhere stories live. Discover now