Alix Kubdel

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Alix Kubdel

Alix opened the door of the office, where the school psychologist was sitting and the woman moved her head up surprised to see Alix had come along earlier.

"Yo," Greeted Alix entering the room, closing the door behind her, and made her way towards the desk, where the new staff member sat. "I heard, that we had all to introduce ourselves to you," Started Alix watching the woman get up and move her hand down offering Alix the seat, which she accepted.

"Exactly, as you may have heard from the others, I'm getting to know a little bit about each of you. Nothing to worry about,"

"I'm happy to hear that. Marinette seemed a little out of place after being here,"
"Yes, I believe that there was an opinion, that kind of made her realize something, that wasn't quite right. You know I think it's better for you to ask her that herself, if she's okay with telling you that," Commented the woman making Alix nod. "By the way, my name is Alfida Ecofinisher, you're...."

"I'm Alix Kubdel. I already know the first thing you ask is about my origins and age. I'm 15, in a few months I'll turn 16. I am half-French and half Lebanese. I'm not the average type of girl as you see, I'm more of a tomboy, more of a sports and car girl," Alix had introduced herself watching the psychologist write down the intro of the short girl.

"Very well, how is school going so far?" Questioned Alfida making Alix nod.

"It's going well. The grades are good too. At the moment I don't have failed any exam, or better said. I didn't have anything under a 12," Responded Alix making the woman nod.

"Could you tell me, which subjects you're at the moment very good at with the grade and which one not, Or now that you say you're grades are well, which subjects do you tend to have issues dealing with?"

"Well, I'm pretty good at physics and sports. I don't think there is anything I could say I'm not good at, but there's one subject I dislike because it's really boring for me and that would be history and literature. The latter just depends on the topic, but we mainly had boring topics so far,"

"Alright, I think history is the first one to be mentioned yet," Commented Alfida earning Alix's attention. "What are your hobbies? Is skating one of them?" Questioned the woman earning a nod from the girl.

"Skating, running, video gaming, doing graffiti in Mr. Monlataing's class. That art teacher, if you don't know. He allows us that in his class,"

"That is something I haven't seen in other schools before," Confessed the brunette woman making Alix smile.

"Mr. Monlataing is a pretty cool teacher. I think I even like him more than Miss Bustier," Commented Alix making the woman grin.

"Alright, how's your relationship with your class? Do you get along?" Questioned the psychologist making Alix nod.

"I get along with almost everybody there," Answered Alix. "From my former class I already knew Myléne and Ivan,"

"Alright and your former class? Did you go along with them as well? Did you like them better or the class you're in now?"

"Uh actually I don't have any idea, I like both classes,"

"Well that's okay, you don't have to pick sides if you can't," Assured the woman noticing down on the sheet, what was said. "Have you a plan of what you want to do in the future? What kind of job you would like to perform,"

"I don't know," Responded Alix directly. "With ten I wanted to be a professional skater, but my dad and all teachers said I should look for something realistic. This idea of me could not always work out. So for now on, I'm going to school, giving my best and when I'm ready, I will know what I will do or at least have any idea, what I should try to do,"

Ecofinisher, the school psychologistWhere stories live. Discover now