Chaotic Loverboys

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Sorry, i'm slowly losing motivation, but here is some fluff. In this Mike and Will are already together.

TW: Swearing

Season 3, could be seen as a part 2 to the "It is your fault" oneshot chapter.

actions may seem out of character, i'm not sure


"Muah! MWAH!" Mike spoke dramatically while planting wet, sloppy kisses on Will's face. 

"Eww" Will laughed out.

"Wow, you don't like my kisses?!" Mike dramatically spoke as he got up and feel back down on the bed. 

If Will didn't know him so well, he may have actually given a shit about the large bang he heard when Mike's skull made contact with the headboard. 

"Ow!" Mike yelled.

"Pfffttt you're so stupid" Will laughed, he only ever felt this comfortable with Mike.

Too bad Will didn't have much time to laugh as he too laughed hard enough to keen over and get kicked in the face by Mike's foot. Straight in the nose.

"Ow! For snickers sake" Will exclaimed.

"You're not you when you're hungry" Mike imitated the slogan. He finally recovered from the headboard incident. 

Will didn't swear often, and when he did he always apologized. Even though everyone else swears freely and reassured him he's aloud to swear at least once in a while. 

Mike kept laughing until he looked up to see blood seeping through Will's hands. 

"Oh shit Will i think your nose is bleeding!" 

"crap i'm sorry did it get on your bed? shit i said crap or- frick... no- sorry. I'm going to stop talking before i swear more."

Will always had a tendency to worry about other people more than himself, he was extremely selfless, but Mike was helping him work on it.

"That shouldn't be your biggest concern just one sec" Mike spoke as he walked to get tissues from his dresser. 

"right sorry, thanks for the tissue" Will responded as he laughed. 

"You also have to stop saying sorry, it'll lose it's meaning"

"When did you get so smart?" Will asked jokingly as he put the tissue on his nose. Mike laughed at how Will's laugh sounded with the tissue on his nose.

"Well that's going to stain my hands, and definitely going to get in my nails" Will muttered. 

"Well your hands look fine, just like you" Mike said winking.






(This is giving Reddie or Stoizer vibes but oh well 🤗)

Mike pouts "But Willy"

"Absolutely not, that name is horrid. I will talk to you if you don't say that ever again." Will finally responded.

"You looooooove meeeee" Will noted Mike sounded very high.

"You sound high" Will deadpanned.

"Lord save me my drug is my baby i'll be using for the rest of my life~" Mike broke out into song. 

Will giggled at his antics. He cherished these moments with Mike. 

'Just the two of us, we can make it if we tried just the two of us' Will's brain sang. 

By now Will's nose stopped bleeding.

"Wanna listen to music?" Mike offered 


Material girl by Madonna started playing, Will started dramatically lip syncing. He then got up and started dancing as Mike cheered him on and vibed from the bed. Will moved left and right pretending to be on a stage or in a video. 

"We are living in a material world and i am a material girl" Will sang jumping around. 

Mike then joined Will dancing around together laughing and singing to every sing that played. 

Finally the last song ended and they both crashed back down on the bed.

They were laughing and giggling like a bunch of schoolgirls who just got of the phone with some cute boys. 

There laughing was cut off as they heard footsteps approaching the room. 

They quieted down and sat beside each other on the bed pretending to do math homework.

A knock on the door caused them to both look up to see Mike's mom with a smile on her face.

"Joyce is here to pick Will up" She smiled sadly. She knew they tried to convince Joyce to let him stay, but she(joyce) became protective and declined the offer. 

Will smiled at her sadly nodding and getting of the bed to retrieve his belongings.

Mike looked over at Will with a somber look. Ever since he and Will's "friendship" was revived, they spent a more than normal majority of time together and wanting to be in each others presence. 

Karen(Mike's mom) left the room to let the boys say goodbye. 

Will finished packing his bag and looked over at Mike. They kissed goodbye before walking downstairs. Will tried to muster up a smile as he saw his mom, he knew she meant well.

Before they left Will turned back around and kissed Mike on the cheek before turning back and walking to the car. 

Ted shot Will a nasty glare but Will didn't care, he could go choke on his stale chicken. 

Karen, who saw the entire interaction go down smiled at the lovesick smile on her sons face. When they thought Will died, Mike didn't even look like Mike. She's glad they were ok. Will and Mike were a nice pair.

Mike smiled and sighed as he closed the door and walked back to his bedroom. 

He looked at the polaroid's of him and Will. He was glad to have Will back, his mom seemed ecstatic whenever she saw Will by the door. He was glad she liked him, even though there were very few people with the ability to dislike Will. 

He sat down on his bed as he remembered all his memories with Will.

Crazy together...

It was a special memory to him. He loved Will. It seemed even everyone else knew it. How could you not, from when they were kids it was blatantly obvious they were closer than normal. 

Everybody seemed happy for them. Apart from maybe Max and Eleven but Eleven dumped him, Max helped her, he should be aloud to be with someone else. Someone he truly loves.

Mike looked at himself in the mirror. He was a smiley, goofy idiot. But with Will, he was ok with that.


la la la la, la la la la, Elmo's world

Words: 1013, Wednesday August 3rd 2022

-A raging homosexual, Mak

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