"Only i belong, with you and only you"

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S3 age
Will looked at Mike and saw him staring...again. Mike held eye contact for a second longer before looking away and furrowing his eyebrows.
'What's going on with him?' Will thought as he looked at Mike questionably. Mike saw Will looking and immediately diverted his eyes back to the others conversation. Will brushed it off, 'Not like it's going to happen again' Will sighed almost sadly.
Will laughed at Dustin's comment before looking to see Mike staring deep in thought at Will. Will's laugh faltered as he looked back at Mike confused. Mike suddenly smiled at Will and waved. Will decided it was nothing and turned back to the group as Mike had recently done.
Will was walking with the group as they slowly dispersed and was about to walk home when Mike walked up to him.
"Will! Hey Will!" Mike yelled as he jogged towards Will.
Will turned and smiled as he saw Mike approaching, quickly falling in line with him.
"Hi Mike." Will smiled.
Mike grinned back before speaking, "Sooo I was wondering...if you were free to sleepover? I mean it's just been awhile and you haven't come to many of the party's sleepovers and you don't have to-"
"I would love too!" Will beamed.
"Ok! Well we can walk to my house like right now?" Mike suggested.
Will pondered for a moment; "Sure, but the moment I get there I have to call my mom ok?"
"Of course! Ya ya definitely!" Mike spoke grinning ear to ear while looking a little nervous.
"You can use some of my clothes...? I mean the ones you left at my house!" Mike said uncertainly before clarifying.
Will felt bad for basking in the attention he used to get. He felt bad because this was basically El's boyfriend, not his. Even if El and Mike weren't together. But Will couldn't help himself, he's waited and wished for these moments, it's not like anything would happen anyways.
Will had been smiling to himself for at least a minute and Mike thought he was practically glowing.
"Ya that's fine!" Will said speaking rather quickly.
Mike looked back down at Will
"Cool." He muttered.
Will smiled up at Mike
They looked at each other before turning forward and continuing to Mike's.
Mike handed Will a pair of plaid pj pants from last time he was at Mike's which were a little snug.
"Uhh problem...you have no shirts in here..."
Wills eyed widened.
"Ummm could I then...maybe.." Will asked hinting at Mike's closet.
Mike looked at the closet and back at Will as his mouth shaped an O.
He quickly smiled "Sure Will, take what you need, I'll be in the basement when you're ready." Mike spoke as he grabbed his comic before walking out of his room.
Will smiled at the door before turning back to Mike's closet. It had been months since Will had worn Mike's clothes (other than the ones he stole that were currently sitting in his closet). Will grabbed a shirt from the rack and put it on.
'It smells of Mike too' he smiled.
'Is that weird....oh well' he thought.
Will shivered and felt goosebumps appear on his arms.

'Should I?' Will contemplated.

He sighed as he grabbed one of Mike's sweaters and put it on while leaving the room.
Will got to the stairs and thought about turning back and putting away the sweater, maybe even running home all together until he heard Mike downstairs.
"Will? Is that you?" He yelled.
"Y-Yea!" Will yelled back uncertainly.
Will slowly descended down the stairs.

"I've gotten many more movies since last time you were here, you can pi-" Mike stopped as he spotted what Will was wearing.

Will internally panicked thinking Mike was going to be upset with him. Normal Mike wouldn't but normal Mike isn't the Mike he knows anymore.

"I'm so-" Will started beginning to apologize but Mike stopped him as if he already knew what was going to happen (which he probably did).
"It's fine! I said take what you want. Plus, that sweater is comfy, just don't steal it." Mike smirked hoping the dimmed lights and quick comeback was enough to hide his flustered appearance.

Will blushed as he quietly giggled at Mike's antics. Maybe this was the normal Mike. "Don't worry, the sweaters safe with me." Will spoke back with a nod and smile.
They laughed at each other before settling down for the movie.
The movie was almost long forgotten as the two boys in sleeping bags moved closer together.

Silence and darkness enveloped them. Two things Will couldn't stand, unless it was with Mike.
"I have something to tell you" Mike spoke lowly and slowly.

Will looked at Mike to show him he had his attention and to continue.
Mike seemed to be struggling with his words until he finally settled.

"I think I like you." Mike said bluntly.

Wills eyes widened as he thought he heard wrong.

"What...?" Will whispered in disbelief. 'There's no way.' Be thought.

Mike started to look nervous and panicky.

"I think...that I might...love you"
Mike repeated with less confidence.

"Actually...?" Will asked.
Mike looked up from his fingers "do I have to say it again?"

Will smiled as he grabbed Mike's hands.
"I've always liked..." Will took a deep breath as he started to speak his biggest secret out loud.
"I've always loved you."

Mike looked equally as shocked as Will had a few minutes prior.

Mike leaned and pressed a quick kiss to Will's forehead before retreating.
Will smiled as he kissed Mike's nose.
They inched closer to each other before ending up cuddling.

"I've waited my whole life for this" Will whispered sleepily.

Mike got a bit sad at that comment, all the time he had spent focusing on El. It hurt Will, and he didn't even notice.

"I'm never gonna give you up, or let you down, ever again." Mike whispered slowly raking his hands through Will's hair.
"Does this mean I can keep the sweater?" Will joked,
Mike chuckled "I wouldn't leave it for anyone else."
Will still had questions, but they could wait for morning.
"I've only loved you, please don't give me up."
"Only I belong, with you and only you." Mike smiled at Will.
Will smiled as he sighed contently "G"night".

"Night Will."

Og name: It's always been here. COULD ALSO BE NAMED: None if it was real, it was all an illusion.

Prompt(from myself): Will starts seeing changes in Mikes behaviour and soon Mike confesses. The confession is interrupted but Will smiles knowing Mike like him back. Then Mike starts avoiding Will and one day Mike invites him to the mall. Lucas is there and in the end Will finds out they only went to find something for El. Then the title is spoken by Will.
Did you rlly want my first entrance back to be angst? Maybe and that's valid

My great aunt passed and I had to travel and then I couldn't bring myself to write again cus I had no motivation

Ideas pls
I love you
Words: 1240, Wednesday November 9 2022
-guess who's back, back again, Maky's back, tell a friend 😉

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