Just dance

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Sorry i haven't posted! I've been focusing more on my other Byler book, which it would be cool if you would check it out!

Kinda rushed so sorry

modern day, Season 3

Mike, Will and Lucas friendship, Byler is not dating

TW: Swearing(?)


3rd Person POV:

I've got the moves like jagger

"The song is right Mike, i do got the moves like jagger" Lucas said as he got another star.

"Fuck you! I'm just warming up" Mike said as he finally got another star, starting to catch up with Lucas. 

Will giggled (that's such a funny word to me) at their antics. "You've gotta admit Mike, Lucas does got the moves" Will said as he dramatically winked in a joking matter(hehe Byclair #multishipper). Lucas winked back and continued dancing as Mike threw Will a glare.

The song finally ended as Mike collapsed, sighing in defeat as he lost...again.

"I'm simply unbeatable Wheeler" Lucas smirked. 

"Yeah yeah whatever you say" Mike remarks. Mike then looked over at Will, he looked him up and down before smirking and saying, "I bet Will could beat you"

Will's eyes widened as he looked from Mike to Lucas. 

"Ok bet. Choose a song oh so great Will" He said as Mike threw me his remote.

"Wait no absolutely not you know i can't dance!" Will yelled his face turning red at the thought of embarrassing himself.

"C'mon Will loosen up we would never laugh at you! Did you see Mike dancing?" Lucas laughed. Mike shot him another glare. 

Will thought about it. He might as well he though. "Ok fine turn on positions by Ariana Grande(idfk just go with it). Lucas and Mike looked at Will surprised. 

'Was it the music choice or the fact he was agreeing to dance' Will thought. But he got up and stood in front the TV nonetheless.

Lucas got up and clicked on the song while standing beside Will. Will chose the girl on the far left with the blue skirt while Lucas chose the girl in the green suit. 

It started with Will's person having a dance different from every other character with more complicated(not really💀 ) steps. Mike and Lucas were shocked to say they were impressed.

While Lucas was having a tad bit of trouble with the flicking of the moves Will was moving flawlessly and very much ahead of Lucas.

When Lucas' solo came on it was arguably easier than Will's. He had some trouble dropping it low(i hate myself) but overall did a good job. Lucas was good at just dance but Will had been playing for years. Lucas started playing because of Erica and being competitive with Dustin. Will  started playing once he realized he could play in his bedroom with no one seeing. He ended up playing with Joyce and Jonathan a few times though.

Will hit the star move(yk when you get it and it says 'yeah' in yellow, its at like 2:04 on the video) and was a whopping one star over Lucas. Mike and Lucas were flabbergasted. Lucas was in his pose watching Will slay his duo with the air. 

This caused Lucas to miss his star move, giving him no boost over or near Will. 

By the time they were in their final pose Will had a perfect score getting the title 'SUPERSTAR' in bright blue on the screen. 

"Holy shit!" Max yelled.

Will froze, 'Did they see all of that?' he thought. 

Will slowly turned around to face the group at the door and holy crap were there so many more.

Max, El, Steve, Robin, Dustin and Erica were all standing there, wide eyed.

"Ok stop staring losers it's not that surprising" Mike said wrapping a reassuring arm around Will after realizing he was uncomfortable and embarrassed.

"Why didn't you tell us you could dance?!" Dustin yelled excitedly running up to Will. 

"Uhhhh, I don't know. You never asked" Will answered simply.

"You've got to do that again" Eleven stated.

"Who knew baby Byers could dance" Steve said

"I like this one" Robin stated.

"Losers" Erica muttered as she smiled and rolled her eyes.


Sorry ive been more focused on my other book. 

How was this? My body aches and i haven't been sleeping properly but oh well

sorry its shorter than usual

Words: 701, Saturday August 6 2022

-The captain of back problems, Mak

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