"Thats my boyfriend Will and his boyfriend Lucas."

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Bywheelclair cus why not, they a cool trio and some of y'all said you would read it so here it is ig

Ofc for this to work Mucas and mileven are not together


Dustin, Max and El stood dumbfounded in front of the trio.

"Ok, what's going on nerds? Something is obviously happening." Max stated.

"It's really nothing". Lucas said scratching the back of his head.

"Not stupid." El glared rolling her eyes.

"Really- it's not even a big deal!" Mike added. Lucas face palmed as Will laughed at his boyfriends' inability to keep secrets.

Dustin sighed exasperated, throwing his hand up in the air.

"Is it a surprise? Can we get a hint?" Max guessed getting annoyed.

"I guess you could say we're a little bit of a polygon." Lucas smirks.

Mike looks at him confused and Will chortles.

"What... I thought it was a... what's it called trapezoid?" Mike whispered with furrowed eyebrows.

Will broke out into a fit of hushed giggles.

"You guys really need to pay more attention in math."

"So... you gonna elaborate or?" Dustin questioned.

"I wouldn't say we're a polygon.... More like a ... tricycle... yeah a fully functioning tricycle." Will smiles proudly at his new analogy.

El looks back and forth between the 3 of them before looking to Max and Dusting beside her.

"Is this still English?" She asks.

"I couldn't tell you sweetheart." Max replies patting her on the shoulder.

"You know what this has gone on too long you guys know we'll always support you right?" Dustin said.

Mike sighed before going to explain

"Basically... this is my boyfriend Will and his boyfriend Lucas."

Before anyone could ask anything Lucas spoke as well.

"And this is our boyfriend Mike and his boyfriend Will."

And you know we gotta go full tricycle.

"And this is my boyfriend Mike and his and my boyfriend Lucas."


"I need eggos." El expressed as she held her head and walked up the stairs.

"I need coffee." Max spoke tiredly following her.

"...I could go for some cranberry juice". Dustin happily skipped after them.


"Well that went well." Lucas broke the silence.

They all looked at each other and fell into each others arms giggling.

Little did they know an older Wheeler was watching them by the steps.

Nancy smiled down at their happy faces and thought one thing....



Well that was something for sure

I think my first idea when I thought of this was them trying to modernly explain this to an old lady at a grocery store and she calls her nephews to ask and stuff and it was a whole thing but that was awhile ago and I just wanted to write something short but maybe I'll make this another day

Hope you enjoyed have a wonderful day 🫶

Sunday November 12 2023 ; 486 words

- a girl who doesn't wanna do speeches, organ girl

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