Family Line - Conan Gray

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You can all thank notyourbxbe  for this chapter

Also thank @_b1tchw1tch_ for the request

Enjoy ?

Tw: mention of the man who shall not be mentioned (AKA Lonnie Byers), nice, loving Wheeler parents, f slur use, cussing,


Will POV

"You should definitely spend Christmas with us!"

And that's how it started.

That's how I ended up making Mike a budgeted present, along with trying to make some for the other Wheelers as well.

For Mike the easiest thing to do was make him a mixtape. I then attempted to make a drawing of Mike that didn't showcase my undying love for him like the others but it was surprisingly hard.

For Nancy I was just going to make a bracelet (a/n: I tried my best to find out if that's even possible but google was no help), I don't have much money so this seemed like the most plausible option.

For Holly I was going to make a drawing of things I've been told girls like.

And for Mrs and Mr Wheeler I drew a family portrait of them and their kids.

I hoped they liked them.

I know they weren't worth a lot of money but I tried.

It was Christmas Eve and the last thing I had to do was finish my drawing of Mike.

I couldn't use one from my notebook cause those all have too much detail and emotion and he would probably think it was weird.

He's my best friend but he shows a lot of his emotion on his face, and imaging one of disgust looking at my picture.

It could not happen.

I was also scared for this Christmas.

We haven't had a normal one since dad left.

Scratch that, we haven't had a normal one since Lonnie became abusive.

What if Ted was the same?

What if I do something wrong?

What if my presents aren't good enough?

What if i mess up Christmas again?

Jonathan walked into the room just then.

"You ready?" He asked.

I looked down to my notebook to see that I hadn't finished it.

I panicked and grabbed a random picture of Mike out of my notebook shoving it into an envelope with the mixtape.

"Yeah!" I said excited and flustered.

We drove all the way to the Wheelers house, me, Jonathan and Joyce.

"Joyce, kids, come on in guys!" Karen welcomed.

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